
in General Discussion edited January 2014
Yesterday I went to the Disney site looking for info on Aliens of the Deep, and was redirected to a page which said that they don't support Safari. They listed firefox, netscape, and explorer 6x as supported browsers. I was upset, especially at their condescending explanation that they were only supporting "standards based" browsers, and they weren't telling me what browser to use and (strangely) that opera and safari (unsupported) were examples of standards based browsers. I was unable to access any other pages on the Disney site.

Today Eisner got kicked out, and Robert Iger got sworn in (as Disney CEO), and immediately opined that he would love to re-establish warm fuzzies with PIXAR (provided that there was a profit in it for Disney). Jobs had broken off negotiations at the end of January with Disney because Apple didn't want to pay Disney distribution costs for their movies, and later referred to Disney's in-house movies as "Duds" and "embarassments".


I went back tonite and all was happy--I could access their site and see their actual web pages. They are written for Flash --I guess the special flash plug-in for Safari must have evolved overnight.

The idea that explorer is standards-based, the snooty and condescending note on their website that I wasn't worthy to be there unless I downloaded firefox or netscape (they said I couldn't view their "advanced" features), the ability of corporations to turn on a dime when the chief gives the word, and my long-held suspicion that problems I encounter on the internet are largely there on purpose, seem to be all entwined in this curious incident.

Or perhaps it was all a coincidence.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    Apple doesn't produce movies; Pixar does, therefore Jobs may have stopped negotiations because Pixas didn't want to pay money to Disney to distribute them, not Apple.

    IE is not standards based, but it is the dominant one right now, so it falls into that category although it doesn't deserve to.

    And I don't see what's so tragic about using Firefox for sites that don't support Safari yet. It is a bigger player, and a better one at that, so it gets more sites supporting it than Safari/Konqueror or Opera.

    What's the point of this thread? To discuss about standards based browsers, Pixar/Disney relations, or both?

    Dang, have I become arrogant just like iCEO
  • Reply 2 of 4
    What is the point of the thread? Do I have to choose? Let's say it's the curious interaction of technology, corporate politics, and "standards" which seems to bedevil Apple (and the internet). In addition, I found this particular sequence of events very interesting. Maybe others will also.

    Regarding Apple and PIXAR being different companies, I am aware of this, but Jobs is the same person, and this apppears to be personal (unless you think it was a coincidence). I wish I knew when the Disney site became unavailable to Safari.

    Regarding Safari: Every time an apple user goes to a site and is told that the site doesn't support the company's flagship browser, this becomes a problem for Apple, and I don't like that.

    However, in this case, the site was just plain lying: overnight Safari became compatible, and the "advanced content" was simply a series of Flash Animations
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Aliens of the Deep in 3d is insane. i haven't been to an iMax movie since i was a little kid. go see it
  • Reply 4 of 4
    playmakerplaymaker Posts: 511member

    Originally posted by doctord118

    What is the point of the thread? Do I have to choose? Let's say it's the curious interaction of technology, corporate politics, and "standards" which seems to bedevil Apple (and the internet). In addition, I found this particular sequence of events very interesting. Maybe others will also.

    Regarding Apple and PIXAR being different companies, I am aware of this, but Jobs is the same person, and this apppears to be personal (unless you think it was a coincidence). I wish I knew when the Disney site became unavailable to Safari.

    Regarding Safari: Every time an apple user goes to a site and is told that the site doesn't support the company's flagship browser, this becomes a problem for Apple, and I don't like that.

    However, in this case, the site was just plain lying: overnight Safari became compatible, and the "advanced content" was simply a series of Flash Animations

    Assuming you're account is accurate it is very interesting how quickly things like this change. I read years ago in "the second coming of steve jobs" an account of one of the early meetings between Disney execs. and Steve Jobs, where they essentially tried to bully Steve/Pixar. I specifically remember Jeffery Katzenburg making the statment (according to the book) "I own animation and I'll rip the balls off anyone who tries to take it" or something along these lines. This is relivant since both Dreamworks SKG & Disney have come nowhere near matching the batting average of Pixar. In my mind this validates the fact that there is a personal fued between Eisner and Jobs that would extend beyond the two or three companies. The whole scenario seems pretty damn possible to me. The whole situation is a result of two egos and I wouldent be surprised if Eisner made a special trip down to their webmaster himself to piss in Jobs cheerios.
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