Changing a users 'short name'

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Is it possible to change a users 'short name' or do you have to start again with a fresh user?

The 'short name' box always appears greyed out.


  • Reply 2 of 3
    Moderator note: "OMG USE TEH SEARCH N00B" isn't in any way a proper response in this forum.

    Nonproductive posts deleted.

    Above was from moderator... but below is from me:

    Lundy has chosen to totally misrepresent this post... which was a reasoned response to a personal attack made by the original poster (which he has chosen to disregard... in fact his personal responses to me blame me for the attack). He also totally misrepresents the character my original post, and conveniently forgets that the poster in this case is not a "NOOB"... not with over 500 posts.

    Lundy has chosen to play a power game through this entire process, rather than respond with any reason.
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  • Reply 3 of 3
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Messiah

    Is it possible to change a users 'short name' or do you have to start again with a fresh user?

    The 'short name' box always appears greyed out.

    I really wouldn't recommend it. You're better off waiting for Tiger and performing a fresh install or if you're not going to get it make a new area. I had major problems when changing my short name. I use completely different names for both and it seems to work (even though Mac do not recommend it).
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