Help - Power Book Getting Very Warm!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I've got a 12" 1.5 GHz PowerBook that I bought when they came out in January. It's been running fine without any problems. However, recently (the last couple of days) it has been getting very hot, more so than it used to, and the fan has been running up to alarming speeds. The warm area is on the left hand side, so I assume it's something to do with the hard disk. I have Airport on all the time, bluetooth off. It happens on battery or AC power. I usually put it in to sleep mode when I'm not using it, rather than powering down completely.

Has anyone else had the same problem? If so, what's causing it, and is there anything I can do to fix it?




  • Reply 1 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    Same here, but I have the 15" model.

    Even when I am only surfing the net or only the screensaver is on the tempreature goes up to around 60°C, then the left fan kicks in (and keeps running) and the temperature stays constant.

    (I think this is a genius bar topic)
  • Reply 2 of 14
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    My Pbook is on all the time powering my cinema display.

    Here are my current temps:

    Hard disk bottomside - 47.2 C

    processor topside - 53.5 C

    graphics processor die - 54.5 C

    battery - 35 C

    With the cinema display, if I'm doing much of anything, the fan or fans come on. I don't mind the fans.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    OK, daft question... how do I get the temp readouts? I'm guessing there's an app I can download for this, or is there something already in OS X?


    I didn't used to mind the fans, as they weren't that loud, but the past couple of days they have been screaming .
  • Reply 4 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    Here ypu go:

    Temperature Monitor
  • Reply 5 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    sorry double post
  • Reply 6 of 14

    Originally posted by bka77

    Here ypu go:

    Temperature Monitor

    Thanks, I'll give it a go tonight and see how the temps are.
  • Reply 7 of 14

    I think I may have found the culprit... A quick check in Activity Monitor revealed that a task called 'prinjobmgr' was hogging the CPU (using around 80-90% ). I've killed it off, and check how things are later.

  • Reply 8 of 14
    Well, that's sorted it . IT's been running for around 20-30 minutes now, and previously it would have been very hot with a screaming fan . Temps are now:

    Hard Disk Drive Bottomside: 42.0?

    Processor Topside: 42.5?

    Graphics Processor Die: 47.5?

    Battery: 32.0?
  • Reply 9 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    Originally posted by Dave Abrey

    Well, that's sorted it . IT's been running for around 20-30 minutes now, and previously it would have been very hot with a screaming fan . Temps are now:

    Hard Disk Drive Bottomside: 42.0?

    Processor Topside: 42.5?

    Graphics Processor Die: 47.5?

    Battery: 32.0?

    My 15" is always around 60 °C at the Processors, 31 Battery and HD 42

    My Processor temp seems a bit high?!
  • Reply 10 of 14
    First, what speed processor do you have? Mine is 1.5 GHz, so if yours is faster, that might explain some of the difference. Also, did you check for rogue processes in Activity Monitor?
  • Reply 11 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    Originally posted by Dave Abrey

    First, what speed processor do you have? Mine is 1.5 GHz, so if yours is faster, that might explain some of the difference. Also, did you check for rogue processes in Activity Monitor?

    1.5 Ghz Processor, but I have the 15" Powerbook (without scrolling trackpad), 512 MB Ram, AE, BT, 80 GB 5400 rpm HD and backlit keyboard

    Finder uses 50-70%

    IN the energy saver I set the processor speed to automatic.
  • Reply 12 of 14
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    --->Genius Bar.

    Finder using that much is not normal. Did you check disk activity in the Activity Monitor? Something needs to be repaired or reinstalled.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    Hi lundi,

    yes somthing is not weird.

    I just finished watching a film and when I came to the PB the fan was still running. (the screen automatically turned off)

  • Reply 14 of 14
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    repaired permissions, finder stopped taking all the resources.

    Will keep an eye on it, if the problem reapiers.
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