I want to back up my entire HD on my iBook and be able to restore it...
I want to back up my iBook hard drive so that in case of a problem, I can restore the entire drive and not loose a single setting.
How is the best way to go about this?
I have external FireWire drives (300+ GB) and an iMac.
Obviously, I want to get ready for the Tiger upgrade.
How is the best way to go about this?
I have external FireWire drives (300+ GB) and an iMac.
Obviously, I want to get ready for the Tiger upgrade.
I will look into CCC, thanks!!
Originally posted by aplnub
Is there an easy way to back up my iBook to my iMac by using a firewire cable via Panther utility?
I will look into CCC, thanks!!
In Preferences, should I check any of the ASR options?
- Disk Utility
- highlight your iBook hard drive (not the volume)
- Images > New Image from disk0 > save your image someplace other the drive your imaging (naturally)
- You now have a complete snapshot of your hard drive
To restore:
<Again boot from another disk/volume>
- Disk Utility
- highlight your iBook hard drive (create a partition that is as large or larger than your original volume -- naturally)
- Restore (tab)
- Select the image file as source
- Select the partition as destination
- Click restore
Worked like a treat when I switched out my Powerbook's hard drive.
How do I boot from another disk?
I have a 300 gb external firewire drive, let's assume it is partitioned into three divisions (one I can load panther on to boot off of, and two for HD backups (ibook and imac). Is there some option or key stroke sequence I need to push to boot off of an external drive?
Your iBook volume(s) should mount as secondary volumes.
I wish I had FW 800 though...