Wake from sleep->login window

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Is there anyway to make it so when I open up my laptop it is at the login window? I would like to do this and it would be great if it was like fast user switching. Just have the arrow saying what users are logged in then click on whatever one. If this is possible someone please tell me how. I know you can say require pw to wake from sleep, but thats not really what I need.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    Whenever I'm not working on my computer, I go to the upper right hand corner of the screen and select from the user list "Login Window." You can then put the machine to sleep, and it will wake-up at the login window. I do this all the time.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    nd32k3nd32k3 Posts: 187member
    ok I could do that. I just thought it would be easier if there was some sort of freeware that made it do that automatically when it wakes from sleep
  • Reply 3 of 8
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by nd32k3

    Is there anyway to make it so when I open up my laptop it is at the login window? I would like to do this and it would be great if it was like fast user switching. Just have the arrow saying what users are logged in then click on whatever one. If this is possible someone please tell me how. I know you can say require pw to wake from sleep, but thats not really what I need.

    In security in system preferences just select log out after so many minutes and choose the number used for your screen-saver. Then you will be logged out!
  • Reply 4 of 8
    nd32k3nd32k3 Posts: 187member
    Ok Ill do this thanks. However would it still work when you close the laptop to put it to sleep?
  • Reply 5 of 8
    nimbittnimbitt Posts: 6member
    I wanted to know the same thing. I was told that by requesting a password when screen saver is stopped works. Indeed it does! Everytime i interupt screen saver i put a password in, including when my laptop is asleep. If you use hot corners, you can point to the corner associated with your screen saver and bingo, a PC style login.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by nd32k3

    Ok Ill do this thanks. However would it still work when you close the laptop to put it to sleep?

    it would probably wake up in your area and instantly switch to the login screen, that's my prediction.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    nd32k3nd32k3 Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    it would probably wake up in your area and instantly switch to the login screen, that's my prediction.

    That didnt work unfortunatly. Im not sure why though, it seems like it would.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by nd32k3

    That didnt work unfortunatly. Im not sure why though, it seems like it would.

    you could choose the password option on your screensaver, there is then the option to go to the login screen?
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