Final Cut Pro won't launch all of a sudden

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Short version: FCP crashes on launch all the time now. This is a new problem.

Long version: Sorry for the longwindedness of this post, but I really would like to be able to use FCP (which i bought 100% legally with my student discount from apple a couple summers ago) on my own computer, I am sick of trudging to campus...

So, I recently, just for fun, decided to install Mac OS 9 under my 10.3.8. I did this by installing 9.1 (the latest version i have on cd) onto my external drive, then copying the system folder to my startup drive. It worked fine. I booted into OS 9, no problem... Then i ran software update in 9 to get os 9.2.2. When i tried to restart, nothing happened.

I have a G4 867 MHz Quicksilver with 1.12 gigs of RAM, and a Geforce 2 MX graphics card. I figured that maybe the reason nothing was showing up on my screen (20 inch Apple Cinema Display ADC) was some sort of screwy os 9ey type thing, so I eventually hooked up a 17 inch CRT up to my computer using the VGA port. The question mark folder showed up. After a long hard day involving an external firewire case, a hangover, and lots of stress, I got my hard drives working again. Back to my old setup (old as in before the os9 crash that i'm talking about) of 2 internal 60 gb drives, and one external 160 gb drive.

I thought things were back to normal.

Well, today, I fired up FCP, first time I'd needed it since the crash. It would bounce in the dock, then the window would come up saying "The application Final Cut Pro has unexpectedly quit. etc." when I click submit, this shows up: Text-Edit file of Crash report.

I have no idea why it's happening, but when I reinstall the program, it works as FCP v.4.0, but when I upgrade to 4.5, it never works.

Also, on a perhaps related note, iPhoto has stopped working. These seem to be the only 2 affected programs.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by gsfmark

    Short version: FCP crashes on launch all the time now. This is a new problem.Also, on a perhaps related note, iPhoto has stopped working. These seem to be the only 2 affected programs.

    Shot in the dark: try moving aside (e.g. move to the desktop) the file ~/Library/Preferences/ and restarting.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    gsfmarkgsfmark Posts: 210member
    that file wasn't in my root hard drive library, it was in my user library... the problem with FCP is with both usernames I have, but I'll try anyway. Here goes.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    gsfmarkgsfmark Posts: 210member
    nope... didn't work, same error, I can give someone the error explanation if interested... lemme know.
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