Clean OSX Install with Tiger...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay, here's the deal everybody - poor college student here! I pre-ordered Tiger at the education rate and will have it by the end of the month, obviously. I was wondering what I should do about the install. I have an iMac G4, 1GHz, 1GB, 80GB that came with 10.2.3 on it. I update all the time, installed Panther on top of 10.2.8, and I'm currently running 10.3.8. I was wondering if I should go ahead and wipe my drive and do a fresh install? Would it be better for the computer, or does it matter?

I'm not worried about my apps, because I have original CD's most of my software, but I am worried about things like iTunes Music Folder, pref files for all of my apps, my docs folder... Can anyone give me a simple procedure for doing a fresh install with Tiger? I know Tiger has an erase nd install option, do I just back my data up and do that? I also have a 20GB G4 iPod, with my music on it ... if I wipe the drive, will those files copy back over into iTunes and make a new music folder?

Thanks for the help ... happy Tiger is finally here!!!


  • Reply 1 of 4
    ua2006ua2006 Posts: 84member
    I had the same question. How does it work when you move your iTunes folder and pictures folder to a fresh install? Do the programs like iTunes and iPhoto automatically detect them or is it a pretty complicated procedure? Please help.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by AgNuke1707

    [B] I was wondering if I should go ahead and wipe my drive and do a fresh install? Would it be better for the computer, or does it matter?

    You don't have to, but all of the beta-testers have been testing on either archive-install or clean-install, since the ADC builds won't Upgrade-install. So I don't think the Upgrade-Install has been tested as much.


    I'm not worried about my apps, because I have original CD's most of my software, but I am worried about things like iTunes Music Folder, pref files for all of my apps, my docs folder... Can anyone give me a simple procedure for doing a fresh install with Tiger? I know Tiger has an erase nd install option, do I just back my data up and do that? I also have a 20GB G4 iPod, with my music on it ... if I wipe the drive, will those files copy back over into iTunes and make a new music folder?

    Yes. When you drag them over, you will have to OK a dialog box that tells you that there is already an (empty) iTunes Music Library or iPhoto Library there, and do you want to replace (overwrite) it. Tiger put them there when it installed the apps.

    If you have a spare partition, the simplest thing is to use the built-in Migration Assistant. Example: your Panther is on volume P. So you clean install Tiger on volume T, then use the MA to move everything over from P to T. Very painless.

    If your drive isn't partitioned but you have an external FireWire drive or large iPod, you can use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone your Panther to the external drive, then erase and clean-install Tiger on the internal and then use Migration Assistant to migrate your stuff back from the external drive.

    If you don't have a spare partition or an external drive to copy your Panther volume to, then use Archive and Install. This way you can manually drag over stuff from the Archive to the fresh Tiger install.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    nd32k3nd32k3 Posts: 187member
    I think the best thing for you to do would be to use your iPod. Delete all the music off your iPod, but in iTunes enable it for disc use. Then move your entire library to it as a folder and any documents or files that you may want. For applications, it would be best to just reinstall when you switch over. I think fresh restarts are a good idea, but not necessary, so it is really up to you.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Thanks for the replies ... but one more question!

    If I do an erase and install, will I lose OS 9.2 support? (I don't have the old 9 disks) Or I guess in my case I should consider an archive and install to preserve things like my music and photo library and my OS 9 system folder?

    Thanks again for the help...
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