Ready to switch

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
After thouough comparison of a loaded 2.5 P4 HP with XP (512 RAM) with the new iMac 17 (256 RAM) at the local CompUSA store, I was very surprised how much faster one could pull up apps on the iMac vs the HP. Of course, the iMac had many other favorable features (HW and SW)!

After considerable time and research (with much help from forums...THANKS!), I plan to go to local Apple Store and DO THE SWITCH (after almost 20 years with PC's)with an iMac 17 with 1G RAM.

My only remaining question is how do I hook up my current speaker system (Monsoon Planar Media 9 2.1)to the iMac? and would the pro speakers be over-ridden?

I realize that there are 3 jacks (speaker mini, headphones, and audio line in) but not sure what goes where? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

[ 02-22-2003: Message edited by: switchfromdell ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 4
    keshkesh Posts: 621member
    Okay, it depends on what kind of connection your Monsoons use.

    If they're the ones I'm thinking of, they use a standard 1/8" headphone jack for their audio. In which case, you just plug them into your headphone jack.

    I would recommend just boxing up your Apple Pro Speakers in that case, since they'd be redundant. And your Monsoons won't plug into the Pro jack. It's a little smaller than a standard headphone jack. If you'll notice, your Pro speakers have a little ring around the jack that plugs into the port... that carries the power to the speakers, so they don't need a seperate power brick in the wall. At the moment, no other speakers support this.

    However, there is a 'Pro Speaker Breakout Box' available through some channels. Essentially, this lets you hook up standard bookshelf speakers from a home stereo to your iMac through that Pro audio jack. The breakout cable supplies power to the speakers, just like your home stereo would. Thus, if your Monsoons were that style of connection, you'd want that breakout cable.

    Hope that helps!
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Best of luck with the switch. I work on both platforms and prefer the Mac, but I know that for some of my switcher friends the transition has been, at times, eventful. Stay with it. I think you'll be glad you went with a company whose hardware-software integration is almost uniformly tight.


    Alive in Nashville
  • Reply 3 of 4
    [quote]Originally posted by Kesh:

    <strong>Okay, it depends on what kind of connection your Monsoons use.

    If they're the ones I'm thinking of, they use a standard 1/8" headphone jack for their audio. In which case, you just plug them into your headphone jack.

    I would recommend just boxing up your Apple Pro Speakers in that case, since they'd be redundant. And your Monsoons won't plug into the Pro jack. It's a little smaller than a standard headphone jack. If you'll notice, your Pro speakers have a little ring around the jack that plugs into the port... that carries the power to the speakers, so they don't need a seperate power brick in the wall. At the moment, no other speakers support this.

    However, there is a 'Pro Speaker Breakout Box' available through some channels. Essentially, this lets you hook up standard bookshelf speakers from a home stereo to your iMac through that Pro audio jack. The breakout cable supplies power to the speakers, just like your home stereo would. Thus, if your Monsoons were that style of connection, you'd want that breakout cable.

    Hope that helps!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Very, very helpful response...these speakers have 1/8 " plug for headphone jack and same speakers are sold at the local Apple Store.

    Your other suggestions I believe relates to the Griffin Break Out Cable which is also sold at Apple Store. Since I have extra set of HK speakers, this could also be an approach.

    Thanks again for your response!

  • Reply 4 of 4
    keshkesh Posts: 621member
    You're welcome.
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