your favorite photo.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I loved the idea of the one photo a day thread, but I'd like to see us get a little more focused. This thread is intended to be the photo that you have taken, that you are most proud of. Please limit your posts to one photo, as that is the intent of this thread. Also, please provide us a synopsis of what techniques you used for your shot (if any) or even a back story to what is going on in the shot (if there is one)

Have fun with it, and I certainly hope this thread takes off. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies.

Also,if you aren't already on, you should check it out! I'd love to see links to your photostreams if you have them already.

Here's mine to start it off.

This was shot out in my front yard... no tripod or anything, just serendipity. No real back story either unfortunately. I brought out the colors a bit in photoshop adjusting levels etc., and cropping it down a bit. I feel like it's probably my most professional looking shot to date. You can check out some others if you feel so inclined at my photostream.


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