Interesting Note On Dual-Core

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Maybe I am reading too much into this, and maybe I am just not that optimistic anymore about Apple's future hardware advances but found this interesing..

AMD announced its dual-core chips today and during the announcement they were joined on stage by HP, Sun Microsystems, and IBM.. All of whom reportedly are going to use these new chips from AMD in some of their systems.

Seems to me if IBM was close on their dual-cores they wouldnt be jumping onto the AMD bandwagon and would wait to use their own.

Hope I am wrong


  • Reply 1 of 3
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    You are wrong and here's why.

    While IBM makes the PowerPC and undoubtedly has a dual core chip coming someday you cannot equate their support for AMD dual core processors as any statement against their own product. AMD is X86 processor. A totally different ISA.

    IBM is pushing Linux on its G5 systems but it still needs Windows support.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    You are wrong and here's why.

    While IBM makes the PowerPC and undoubtedly has a dual core chip coming someday you cannot equate their support for AMD dual core processors as any statement against their own product. AMD is X86 processor. A totally different ISA.

    IBM is pushing Linux on its G5 systems but it still needs Windows support.

    IBM also sells servers with intel XEONS, and I think has already done the same for Dual core intel processors as well.

    But you wont see any AMD, Intel, or X86 in your PS3, XBOX2, or NIntendo.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member
    IBM's pSeries (PowerPC) and xSeries (x86 servers) divisions doesn't have much in common. They are essentially two different companies.
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