Apr17 Jaguar escapes, Apr21 Panther sighted, Apr29 Tiger released
Hehe... Thought that this sequence of events was amusing...
Jaguar escapes from Singapore zoo on April 17
Panther sighted roaming in Missouri on April 21
And of course, Tiger is being released by Apple on April 29
Jaguar escapes from Singapore zoo on April 17
Panther sighted roaming in Missouri on April 21
And of course, Tiger is being released by Apple on April 29
Originally posted by Gene Clean
And this means...?
4 days between the first two events + 7 days between the second two=11
tiger is released on the 29th. add 2+9 and you get 11
like magic
Originally posted by ipodandimac
4 days between the first two events + 7 days between the second two=11
tiger is released on the 29th. add 2+9 and you get 11
like magic
Unfortunately, there is 8 days between 21st and 29th.
So... 4 days between first two, 8 days between second and third, meaning we'll see another big cat on 15th May, 16 days after Tiger.
Because of the improbability of this, Apple will name 10.5 after this big cat. Keep watching the paper's for news of Mac OS X's new name!!!!
Originally posted by Gene Clean
And this means...?
Someone has too much fee time
Originally posted by danielctull
Because of the improbability of this, Apple will name 10.5 after this big cat. Keep watching the paper's for news of Mac OS X's new name!!!!
Exactly! It's a big conspiracy, where secret propaganda is spread through the public media. Have you seen "A Beautiful Mind"?
Originally posted by drumsticks
Exactly! It's a big conspiracy, where secret propaganda is spread through the public media. Have you seen "A Beautiful Mind"?
yup... after watching a lot of Alias as well i am tempted to scan the daily news for 'protocols'.... also because where i am living now the daily newspapers are lousy...
Originally posted by danielctull
Unfortunately, there is 8 days between 21st and 29th.
So... 4 days between first two, 8 days between second and third, meaning we'll see another big cat on 15th May, 16 days after Tiger.
Because of the improbability of this, Apple will name 10.5 after this big cat. Keep watching the paper's for news of Mac OS X's new name!!!!
oh ya