iPod makes Powerbook crash hard

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello all,

I have a 3rd Generation iPod. A year after I bought it I got it replaced from Apple due to lack of battery charge. Since getting a "new" one, I've had tons of problems and have sent it to Apple for replacement/repair three times already.

I'm tired of sending it to Apple so that I can be without it for two to three weeks as it ships. I bought a one year extension to the warranty when the battery ran out.

My newest problem: I plug the iPod into my 12" PB 1.33 GHz via FireWire. iTunes opens automatically, then the screen goes grey and a dialog box in a bunch of languages tells me that I have to restart my computer. I cannot force quit, I have to hold my power button down to shut down the computer, then restart.

My iPod seems to work fine, and if I force quit iTunes before it boots the iPod will appear on my desktop fine and charge fine.

Is it a corrupted song file? A virus? A problem with iTunes? My Powerbook? The firewire cable? My iPod?

I really don't want to send it to Apple again cause all I get are new problems.

Thanks a ton!


  • Reply 1 of 3
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I had that happen on a couple G4's at school. But those are the only computers that ever crashed with my iPod. I thought it was some kind of software they installed (Norton... Why, oh why?) I just stopped using it with those computers.

    BTW, what you are getting (the language screen) is called a Kernel panic. Basically, something deep in the OS crashed and is usually caused by hardware problems. Not what you want to hear. Sorry. Before you get pissed, let's get some other opinions in this topic. I am but one voice.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    danosaurdanosaur Posts: 258member
    Well I don't have Norton installed.

    So you think its a problem with my computer? I will try to use a different computer and let you know if that solves anything.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Danosaur

    Well I don't have Norton installed.

    So you think its a problem with my computer? I will try to use a different computer and let you know if that solves anything.

    do permissions repairs on the iPod and computer - what format is the iPod in. Try a reformat and reinstall the iPod software - make sure your computer is up to date.
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