Tiger Ready Software

in macOS edited January 2014
Hi everybody,

I have just made a small website for us all. The idea is that it should bee easy to find Tiger Ready Software. i.e. Programs, utilities and so on.

The site is meant as a help to self-help site. I mean, when you find a program or a utility that has been updated for the Tiger, then submit the info on the site, so that the rest of us can see if our favorite program or utility has been updated.

The link is: adsistance.dk/tiger

Spred the word... :-)



  • Reply 1 of 2
    Good idea, I'll add a link from my site (not that I get any traffic, mind you). But you might want to add a "VIEW ALL" option so we don't have to click each letter to see what's been updated.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Cool, tanxxxx - keep the site going helps witch the transition form 10.3 to 10.4

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