(Proprietary codecs and formats suck, don't they?)
However... both of those applications are available for the Mac, and there are a couple of good *free* apps for playing them without resorting to installing WMP or RealPlayer: VLC and MPlayer.
Personally, I prefer VLC. WMP and Real Player both have serious issues in comparison.
I've found that VLC plays windows media files better than Windows Media Player for Mac. WiMP for Mac is a giant turd that should be kept away from your system unless your life depends on it.
Lots of folks swear by mPlayer, so give that a try too.
My personal advice - if at all possible - is to destroy these windows media files you have. Use Secure Empty Trash so they vanish without a trace.
Thanks for all the help, I got VLC player i seem to find that it works fairly well, but one problem I made before installing VLC player is that I installed Windows Media Player. Now everytime I try to delete it it syays I can not because it says the item htm is in use. Does anyone know what this means and how to delete WMP....thanks
Real is RealPlayer only.
(Proprietary codecs and formats suck, don't they?)
However... both of those applications are available for the Mac, and there are a couple of good *free* apps for playing them without resorting to installing WMP or RealPlayer: VLC and MPlayer.
Personally, I prefer VLC. WMP and Real Player both have serious issues in comparison.
Lots of folks swear by mPlayer, so give that a try too.
My personal advice - if at all possible - is to destroy these windows media files you have. Use Secure Empty Trash so they vanish without a trace.