ichat video with windows?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
anyone have any luck using ichat video with people on windows computers? i woul love to use mine to talk to family on their winboxes but dont know if it really works. i read that some people had been able to make isights work on XP with some software adjustments. any help on what i would need to tell a wndows person would be greatly appreciated.



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    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by macfly

    anyone have any luck using ichat video with people on windows computers? i woul love to use mine to talk to family on their winboxes but dont know if it really works. i read that some people had been able to make isights work on XP with some software adjustments. any help on what i would need to tell a wndows person would be greatly appreciated.


    they have to use the latest version of aim and a crappy usb webcam supported by aim.
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