Apple isn't impressing me....QT7 & Forums

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Yes, I love the software and the hardware but if they can't even keep their own discussion boards up and running on their own xserves, i'm not continuing to be very impressed by their technology.

constantly on their site (and only their site)

Safari can?t open the page ? because it could not connect to the server ?


i was going to go ask a question about QT7 (which i just purchased for the lovely extra price of $29.99) which drops frames like mad on my PB12"1.33/768mb/64mbGPU. You'd think their H.264 technology was 'scalable' like Mr. Jobs said. I'm not seeing it at any resolution. You'd think a downloaded trailer would work better than a stream, but the streaming plays better with less dropped frames. I do like the clarity but every 3rd frame stinks.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    What's the lowest resolution you tried? You don't exactly have a high powered machine.

    Apple's H.264 implementation is incredibly fast, but still generally requires a G5 for anything at HD resolutions.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    I've been telling folks for a while that AVC takes some horsepower. We oooh and ahhhh about the file size savings but it takes a beastly effort of processing to scrunch the video down to those bitrates.

    Just when you thought your computer was fast enough here comes the next CPU guzzler.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by sandau

    i was going to go ask a question about QT7 (which i just purchased for the lovely extra price of $29.99) which drops frames like mad on my PB12"1.33/768mb/64mbGPU. You'd think their H.264 technology was 'scalable' like Mr. Jobs said. I'm not seeing it at any resolution. You'd think a downloaded trailer would work better than a stream, but the streaming plays better with less dropped frames. I do like the clarity but every 3rd frame stinks.

    Scalable does not mean downloading a huge trailer and scale the window - scaling means that h.264 can produce output in high quality for many types of bandwidth and that doesn't mean that you can view HD video on a cell phone.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    geekdreamsgeekdreams Posts: 280member
    Yeah, it has more to do with the data rate and resolution it was encoded at, rather than the size of your QT window. Sorry.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by sandau

    i was going to go ask a question about QT7 (which i just purchased for the lovely extra price of $29.99) which drops frames like mad on my PB12"1.33/768mb/64mbGPU. You'd think their H.264 technology was 'scalable' like Mr. Jobs said.

    Your PowerBook doesn't have anywhere near the resolution to display HD content anyway, so exactly what is your point? H.264 is a very CPU-intensive codec; it was never claimed otherwise. For HD video, you're going to need a very high-end CPU, and obviously a high-end screen as well. For SD resolutions, H.264 is going to suit you fine.
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