Export Mail items to iCal

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Automater may have let me down.

I need a script/action that allows me to take the selected mail message and copy it to a new iCal item (hopefully prompting me to select the time/date etc. of the event).

My office is full of Windows users running the archaic Exhcange 5.5 and Outlook invitations do not show up as items that can be added to my iCal, I have to do it manually. So, I usually just create an event at that time and past the text from the mail message/invitation into the new event's notes.

I'd like to be able to click a button and have this prompt me to add date/time (even better if it could somehow pull that info from the message text) to an event and it would automatically copy the text into the notes.

Automater has no actions for pasting data; I can select an e-mail and pass it on to an action to create an iCal event, but I can't tie the two together in any way.

Thoughts, comments?



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