Apple as a Top 10 Internet company??
I believe that Mr. Jobs once said that over the next few years, Apple wants to be a top 10 Internet company. What type of Intenet company was he referring to?
There is a big difference between Amazon and AOL, EarthLink and Ebay, Snapfish and Kodak. Does he want to be a ecommerce or ISP type company?
.Mac is nice, but it isn't top 10. Does anyone have any idea what he was referring to or where Apple is going as far as the Internet goes?
There is a big difference between Amazon and AOL, EarthLink and Ebay, Snapfish and Kodak. Does he want to be a ecommerce or ISP type company?
.Mac is nice, but it isn't top 10. Does anyone have any idea what he was referring to or where Apple is going as far as the Internet goes?