Is there a way to test a DVD RW drive?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Is there a way to test a DVD RW drive to be sure that it works? I just started using my mac to do video work and I have never used the DVD RW drive. I have burned cd's but not DVD's. I am trying to burn a DVD from IDVD and IMovie, but it when I try to burn it says to put in a blank DVD, and there is one in the drive. Is there a way to test the DVD RW to be sure that it is not the hardware? I had an external RW before and thought it was the software only to realize I had a bad RW drive. I have followed all the instructions to burn DVD's carefully and still come up with the same error.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member

    Originally posted by AWILL

    Is there a way to test a DVD RW drive to be sure that it works? I just started using my mac to do video work and I have never used the DVD RW drive. I have burned cd's but not DVD's. I am trying to burn a DVD from IDVD and IMovie, but it when I try to burn it says to put in a blank DVD, and there is one in the drive. Is there a way to test the DVD RW to be sure that it is not the hardware? I had an external RW before and thought it was the software only to realize I had a bad RW drive. I have followed all the instructions to burn DVD's carefully and still come up with the same error.

    Sounds like you have one of the older DVD-RW drives that only accepted DVD-R disks. Try the DVD-R disks and see if your mac recongizes it.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    Maybe you're loading your disc too early... try starting the program without anything in the drive and only insert a DVD once it asks for one at burn time.

    Blank CDs and DVDs on insertion can trigger the OS popup "What to do with this disc" depending on your preference settings. Some apps (like Toast) intercept this call when they're running.

    I'd try simply juggling the sequence of App -> Load Disc -> burn.

    System profiler will tell you what your drive is capable of (R or RW) but usually won't indicate ±R capabilities.

    Remote possibility it's a firmware issue, but you haven't told us which model.
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