iTunes still crashes

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I need the 'any and all tricks' to fix an iTunes that crashes.

Symptoms. It crashes if I launch it, then exit it. Then launch it etc.

It always freezes when either quiting or launching. (it generally does it within one or two cycles) So in routine use... it locks up once a day or so. The only 'solution' is to chose 'hide' instead and just ignore the fact it is still running. When it freezes, the arrow stays next to it in the Dock and it says application not responding. I can't force quit it (it does nothing) and shutdown/restart cease functioning (like it is waiting for iTunes to finish 'thinking'. So the only solution is a hard restart.

Now... how do I fix this? I just did an Archive and install of Tiger so I *hoped* that would work.. but it didn't.

What to do guys?
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