Billy Bob Gates say iPods to be overtaken by Cell Phones

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014


"You can make parallels with computers: Apple was very strong in this field before, with its Macintosh and its graphics user interface -- like the iPod today -- and then lost its position," Gates said.

Really? When did the Mac EVER have dominating marketshare in anywhere but graphics? Come on Bill you don't have to lie to kick it.

Apple when are you guys going to grow some balls and start smacking MS where it hurts? I mean beyond the puerile jokes about Longhorn or whining about copying.

And as for phones stealing iPod sales. Perhaps but not on a huge level. Phone interfaces pretty much suck..but then Bill knowns about sucky interfaces doesn't he?

Bill stop making suck at them!


  • Reply 1 of 16

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Really? When did the Mac EVER have dominating marketshare in anywhere but graphics? Come on Bill you don't have to lie to kick it.

    Apple when are you guys going to grow some balls and start smacking MS where it hurts? I mean beyond the puerile jokes about Longhorn or whining about copying.

    And as for phones stealing iPod sales. Perhaps but not on a huge level. Phone interfaces pretty much suck..but then Bill knowns about sucky interfaces doesn't he?

    Bill stop making suck at them!

    Bill definitely made a bad comment there! Fair enough, many people do listen to music on their mobiles, but most of these people have never owned an ipod.

    I like many others want their ipod for listening to music and there mobile for chatting to friends.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I know I recognize the benefits of music on a Cell Phone but do I think they will take over? Nah..phones are phones but dedicated music players will always be better just for the simple fact of user interface.

    Bill Gates is fascinating man. Here's a guy who grew up privledged, a prominent Seattle attorney and for a father and a mother with IBM connections. He parlays this advantage into becoming the richest man on the Earth by using Microsoft's one advantage, the OS, to crush all foes despite the fact that Billy has never created a product better than his competition. I don't think I'd be getting my future prognostications from Billy. Microsoft's modus operandi is to watch other companies develop a market and then he swoops in and undercuts them. Next victim is Blackberry.

    The iPod/iTMS system will eventually be caught but it's going to take quite a while and by then Apple will have her little fingers in many more areas.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    mpmoriartympmoriarty Posts: 289member
    It's kinda like saying camera phones will overtake actual digital cameras.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    o-maco-mac Posts: 777member
    Geeez, as soon as the iPod got popular did you notice how fast MS tried to downplay it? MS attacked it quick! What were they threatened by?

    AGAIN....for MS it's all about the think MS really cares whether something "works" or benefits the consumer? Don't be fooled...

    Bottom line, it'll ALWAYS be about the money...and there are PLENTY of stupid people out there who will believe their crap...
  • Reply 5 of 16
    you cant blame bill, well you can. but dontt forget he has some level of power b/c he has money and owns the 2nd most widely used operating sysstem.. even if that not the case, i think apple is 10x better, hands down... but net class is right.. the ones who have ipods or apple fans wont go w/ cell phones to listen to music b/c the only thing cell phones are good for are calling people 3000 miles away, whch is the only reason i really use mine..

    so the people who dont use ipods but use cheap walmart mp3 players or nerous, wqhich is cool.. dont get me wrong, i think nerous is just as cool as ipods but people who use them might also listen to their music on their cell phones as well as their nerous b/c nerous is bigger... thats just a lil hunch though of them might using cells and music..

    but ipod sales are still greater (i believe) then cell phones and the cells only are making prolly a fraction of the sales that the ipods are.. or there abouts....

    anyways, time for school, catch ya all l8r
  • Reply 6 of 16
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by MPMoriarty

    It's kinda like saying camera phones will overtake actual digital cameras.

    Yeah that's exactly what he's saying. That consumer will take mediocre "Jack of All Trades" versus the Master. I guess MS knows about JoAT and bloat. They pioneered it.


    Geeez, as soon as the iPod got popular did you notice how fast MS tried to downplay it? MS attacked it quick! What were they threatened by?

    MS feels entitled to take any market they want.

    Plus they have a horrible track record of identifying markets and creating capable products. They are scavengers..and quite good ones at that.
  • Reply 7 of 16
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by O-Mac

    Geeez, as soon as the iPod got popular did you notice how fast MS tried to downplay it? MS attacked it quick! What were they threatened by?

    What they're threatened by is a major hitch in their plans to have the whole world completely dependent upon Microsoft standards like Windows Media, and completely locked into a DRM scheme for which MS controls the keys.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    No I think he is right.

    Phones made PDAs useless. For Joe Sixpack they are making cameras useless. I am a prosumer who knows what an aperture is. 90% of Americans don't know what an aperture is. So a 1 or 2 megapixel camera phone is fine for snapshots. Again, phones are or will soon do Address Books, calendars, and note-taking better than Palms. Palms haven't change in a decade. No wonder no one cares about them anymore. Hell you know what!? Phones have made WATCHES useless. I don't have one. Why? My phone is in my pocket, and it has a clock.

    Apple needs to make a phone. Either with Motorola or without. Or if they were smarter, a phone OS. This would be the MS way: the smart business decision. They'll probably want to make the whole stupid widget though, and of course it will be a better machine, but the Microsoft phone will end up with the market share. Or some other company. Phones will be THE platform. Not even PCs. Phones. I am seeing it. For at least a decade, starting in a few years, or even next year. I mean look around, it's here now. Everyone has a cellphone. People who don't have cellphones are...very behind. It's worse than not having a computer, and an e-mail and/or screen name. haha or Facebook for you college kids.

    Hopefully Apple gets here before M$.

    It's this simple: people don't have room in their pocket for more than one thing. A phone and an iPod are annoying. Phone or iPod today...Phone. People will always pick the phone. The Shuffle, around your neck as a necklace, and the iPod armband, were clever sidesteps, but they are just delaying the inevitable showdown between Apple and phone Motorola. This will certainly be interesting to watch. Let's just hope Apple comes out on top and we can buy Apple phones!
  • Reply 9 of 16
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    For anyone serioues about their music, the iPod is still an essential, and always will be. At the moment, playing music on phones gives you little space, rubbish graphics, and your battery life will be dead just when you need to make a call. And then on top of that, you often have to put up with stupid rubbish headphones.

    Sure eventually, phones might make a small dent for the casual listener, but for anyone who is buying a decent sized iPod, they will still want two devices. For these reasons, there is much more mileage in the iPod for many more years. Looking forward to the 5th gen.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    danosaurdanosaur Posts: 258member
    Aquatic, I think its more likely computers will replace phones. Look at VoIP and how WiFi hotzones are spreading. When the coverage is strong enough, Apple will make a "phone" but it won't be a traditional cell phone but rather a VoIP.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    apple needs to learn from ms about licensing. make the bucks with the software that everyone wants to use. license AAC to phone companies so people can use both. develope stereo bluetooth, get a better car interface. people will play some music on their phones but if you make a killer car interface then the ipod as a standalone will continue to grow. apple needs to make a car computer, home media center, ipod and with a partner a phone. their is lots of room for apple to grow, connect all those people with ipods to the things they use most cars and phones, tvs and dvr/tivo

    the problem with phones is the interface, hope i never lose my thumb--ipod interface for a phone works better license and patent that interface. better screen put a scroll wheel, better voice recognition. the new blackberry is neat give it a mini clickwheel and badge it as a phone pod.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    macmikemacmike Posts: 96member
    Bill might be right, but it's probably unwise to say it like he did. Not only is Apple/Steve going to be a bit miffed at Bill (saying Apple will fail and lose the lead like they did with personal computers had to make Steve's blood pressure rise), but the millions (over half on PCs) who already happily own iPods might beg to differ.

    But if cell phones do start to make a dent in full-sized iPod sales, you can be assured that Moto's iTunes phone will be helping do that.

    By the way, any word on when the iTunes phone will be released and what carrier(s) will have it?
  • Reply 13 of 16
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by macmike

    Bill might be right, but it's probably unwise to say it like he did.


    It's pretty obvious that we'll see a trend toward the merging of pockter-electronics. Yet it's equally obvious that we'll see a merger of TVs and computers. It's just a question of when. So far, it seems that everyone is consistently erroring on the side of predicting change too early.

    Screen size and selection of input hardware will eventually be the only distinction between devices. Once everything is networked at a speed high enough to stream video, screen size and input hardware become the sole defining characteristics of a device.

    Sure, the iPod will cease to exist as we know it at some point in the future. But he also fails to mention that, by the same point in time, our "phones" will also be camcorders and GPS linked encyclopedias.

    So... while Bill is onto something real here, he still seems to come off as clueless?
  • Reply 14 of 16

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    No I think he is right.

    Hell you know what!? Phones have made WATCHES useless. I don't have one. Why? My phone is in my pocket, and it has a clock.

    Uh, whatever. I can still go down to the mall and Target, and I see a hell of a lot of watches for sale. I haven't heard of Timex or Rolex issuing stock warnings due to declining sales.

    Some people like all in one devices, but not everyone. Phone/Fax/Copier/Printer combos haven't replaced stand alone printers. Combined TV/VCR's didn't replace the standalone models either.

    People like to state everything as a zero sum competition, but the fact is many different devices can all profit together nicely in the market. There may well be a big enough market for both stand-alone iPods, and music phones. And for both Apple and Microsoft to both profit from the music industry.

    I will never own a cell-phone until the un-bundle the services and do away with long contracts. I won't rent my phone from Verizon so I can rent my music from Microsoft.
  • Reply 15 of 16
    cesjrcesjr Posts: 23member
    I'm not sure I understand this obsession with CELL PHONES as the future.

    I think Steve Jobs had it right when he said the future of the computer is, "you take it with you." (He said this one time when dissing the idea of the convergence of personal computers and DVRs, saying it won't work so well to record TV when you're taking your computer with you)

    And such pocket sized computers of the near future will of course have a full complement of communications abilities. It will just replace the cell phone.

    Hopefully by then we will have replaced this ridiculous cell phone network (with a few backward ass, consumer unfriendly companies like Verizon controlling things) to some kind of always on wireless (at least in urban and suburban areas), with IP based communications.

    But if not, why can't apple add cell phone capability to a pocket sized computer?

    My question is really this. How long before OS X runs on a phone sized platform? And isn't that going to blow away these rinky dink Phone OS's we have now? Honestly, OS X is a mature OS now with very deep features and established developer tools and toolkits for all kinds of things - media, database, image, sound processing.

    Is the Palm OS, or Symbian going to grow into that more easily than the hardware on which OS X can run will shrink? I don't think so. Hardware is getting faster and smaller. It's just a matter of time. Apple is biding their time.

    Maybe they will come out with a few more handheld devices that run something other than OS X. But I am sure they are planning on a long term situation (maybe not that far off) where you take your OS X computer with you. Sure, they will have to adapt the interface to the screen size (when you're not interfacing with an external screen - which is another thing I think we'll see). Carry the computer. Beam to any large display. Or look on the small portable screen when needed.

    One device, and it does everything needed for personal everyday use (I'm not saying you won't have larger machines for dedicated things like pro video editing, etc.).
  • Reply 16 of 16
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by cesjr

    I'm not sure I understand this obsession with CELL PHONES as the future.

    Instant communication with anyone on the planet?

    It's why everyone is willing to constantly carry around an electronic device in their pocket. No other motivation comes close, not even remotely close.
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