Tiger annoyances

in macOS edited January 2014
I'm having a strange error with terminal since I upgraded to Tiger. Whenever I open a Terminal window when I'm not connected to the internet I get the correct hostname:

Last login: Thu May 12 21:50:07 on ttyp1

Welcome to Darwin!

Revan:~ luke$ echo $HOSTNAME


Revan:~ luke$

When I'm connected to the internet, this is what I get:

Last login: Thu May 12 21:27:03 on ttyp2

Welcome to Darwin!

126-178:~ luke$ echo $HOSTNAME


126-178:~ luke$

Before I upgrade, I always got my computer name.

Can anybody recommend a comprehensive guide to the Unix command line environment for Tiger?

Also, I'm having a strange error with terminal since I upgraded to Tiger. Whenever I open a Terminal window when I'm not connected to the internet I get the correct hostname:

When I'm connected to the internet, this is what I get:

Last login: Thu May 12 21:27:03 on ttyp2

Welcome to Darwin!

126-178:~ luke$ echo $HOSTNAME


126-178:~ luke$

Before I upgraded, I always got my computer name at the Terminal.

Another thing that annoys me is I get the Network configuration utility everytime I reboot. I think that might have something to do with me doing a force quit on it the first time it ran.

Any ideas of any fixes for these problems?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    kwsanderskwsanders Posts: 327member
    Are you using dialup? I am not sure exactly what you are seeing unless that is it. I am on DSL, so I am always connected due to my DLink router keeping it alive. I just did the command and got the host name that I expected.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    javacowboyjavacowboy Posts: 864member

    Originally posted by kwsanders

    Are you using dialup? I am not sure exactly what you are seeing unless that is it. I am on DSL, so I am always connected due to my DLink router keeping it alive. I just did the command and got the host name that I expected.

    I'm using DSL, but I don't connect through a router. I'm connected directly to the DSL modem.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    javacowboyjavacowboy Posts: 864member
    I did a reinstall of Tiger and that seemed to fix the problem, though it still takes a few seconds for the terminal window to load completely.
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