Extra licenses for Tiger?

in macOS edited January 2014
Here's my dilemma. I plan to soon buy Tiger, I am a university student, and I will get the student discount.

All prices are Canadian.

Tiger is $150 from Apple's website. The student discount makes it $90. However, as I understand, this will work on one computer only? Both my mom and dad have powerbooks as well and we would all want it. Is there a (legal or illegal) way to get around this single license?

If it's impossible, then I figure I should buy the family pack for $250, even though there is no discount on it. It's cheaper than three student versions. However, I only need three licenses.

I thought maybe there would be people on eBay selling licenses from family packs where they only need, say, three, and have no use for the extra two.

And, finally, has anyone here bought the family pack and wants to sell one or two licenses?


  • Reply 1 of 6
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    I thought maybe there would be people on eBay selling licenses from family packs where they only need, say, three, and have no use for the extra two.

    The Family Pack contains 5 licenses for one location. So you must have all 5 computers in the local vicinity and you cannot sell the licenses. Grab the FP get legal and enjoy it's a lot better than what Microsoft would give you.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    I DO NOT encourage piracy in any form but there is no key or license mechenisum in Tiger so...but if oyur parents use their computers for business AT AL, dont risk it, furthermore, if one or more of you uses your computer for business you are violating the family license too...but on somehting like that I dont see annyone caring so get the Fam Pack and enjoy
  • Reply 3 of 6
    danosaurdanosaur Posts: 258member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    I DO NOT encourage piracy in any form but there is no key or license mechenisum in Tiger so...

    for educational purposes only, does this mean if we were to use software update, for example, that it wouldn't hassle us for installing Tiger on more than one machine?

    By the way, it's not as easy as just buying the family pack. I'm a student and $160 is a big difference.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Danosaur

    for educational purposes only, does this mean if we were to use software update, for example, that it wouldn't hassle us for installing Tiger on more than one machine?

    By the way, it's not as easy as just buying the family pack. I'm a student and $160 is a big difference.

    I understand - I am a broke student too - IF oyu plan to share this w/y your folks, split the cost with them...

    But the "edu" version is the same exact thing as teh retail version, there is no key, no tracker, no authentication ot anything like that. each Tiger install disk is exactly alike, and without a key, there is no way to tell what license in used by whome.

    I am only warning that if your folks use the Macs for biz, stay legal at all costs, if not...well...use your own judgement - the only thing stoping you from installing Tiger from one license on 10,000 Macs is your conchense
  • Reply 5 of 6
    danosaurdanosaur Posts: 258member
    Thank you kindly.

    I am off tomorrow to the new Apple store in Yorkdale, Toronto, to go purchase Tiger.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    Technically it would be illegal for you to buy student copies for your parents as the regulations state that it must be used for education and/or research. However, there are no actual restrictions - there are no restrictions in Motion/iWork but they have serials!
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