
in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
A speech recognition system

Veröffentlichungsnr. (Sek.)\tEP1152398Â*

Veröffentlichungsdatum t2001-11-07 Â*



Originalnummer tÂ*EP1152398Â*

Anmeldenummer tEP20010201774 19931229 Â*

Prioritätsnummer tEP19990107544 19931229; EP19940905560 19931229; US19920999011 19921231; US19920999012 19921231; US19920999302 19921231 Â*

IPC Klassification tG10L15/18 ; G06F3/16 ; G10L15/22 Â*

EC Klassification tG10L15/26CÂ*

Korrespondierende Patentschriften




Partitioning speech recognition rules for generation of a current language model and interpretation in a speech recognition system. Contexts for each of speech recognition rules are determined when each of the speech rules will be active. At one interval (e.g. initialization of the system), common contexts for the speech rules are determined and grouped or partitioned into speech rule sets according to these common contexts. Rapid and efficient generation of a language model upon the detection of a current context at a second interval (e.g. upon the detection of speech in one embodiment) then may be performed. Subsequent to the generation of the language model, interpretation may be performed using the speech recognition rules grouped into these common contexts.


Is it possible that this has something to do with Monday's announcement ?

I found this on MacNN. I was thinking speech recognition may be a BIG DEAL but for some reason I just dismissed it.

I also posted this a bit ago as a joke, maybe it isnt?

Near the end of the keynote Jobs has given us very fast 2 Ghz G5 computers and updated the entire product line. People are pretty happy and think it may have lived up to the hype...but then Jobs raises his hands and says QUIET! Jobs says excitedly, "Oh, and there is one more thing I want to show you."

Now keep in mind that Jobs has demoed OS X and everything already and there is seemingly nothing left to show us.

Jobs sits down at his G5 and does not touch the mouse and just starts speaking to it. Jobs just starts having a conversation with his computer. Totaly unscripted, Jobs says to the Powermac, "How's Mac World been so far for you?"

::::Crowd ROARS:::

Jobs then asks random people in the crowd to come up and TALK to his computer that Jobs lovingly named HAL.



  • Reply 1 of 26
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    Now that would rock!!!
  • Reply 2 of 26
    Think of the capabilities of such a thing. actually communicating with a computer.

    Day 1

    iVoice. This aint no IBM Viavoice.
  • Reply 2 of 26
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote]Originally posted by ryukyu:

    <strong>Now that would rock!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And it would actually measure up to the hype Apple is putting out.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    neilybneilyb Posts: 128member
    i know i'm in the minority, but i have no interest in talking to my Mac, as much as i do love my Ti


  • Reply 5 of 26
    It would change the world.
  • Reply 6 of 26
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    nah, i'm with you, neilyb. that'd just be too weird for me. heck, i tried using voice authentication with os 9 when it first came out, but i felt dumb sitting there talking at my computer.
  • Reply 7 of 26
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    The people who revolutionized computing with the mouse, re-revolutionize by replacing it with another technology.
  • Reply 8 of 26
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Macs have had Speech Recognition for 10 years. OS X has speech recognition. How would this be different?
  • Reply 8 of 26
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    I think speech recognition is highly overrated. For starters, there is a big difference between understanding words and having a meaningful conversation -- and the latter is still a long way off. Second, can you imagine how noisy an office or airplane full of people talking to their Macs would be? Third, typing is far faster and more precise (even with QWERTY) than speech... it just takes a bit of training.
  • Reply 10 of 26
    I think the type of speech recognition that would change computing is not far off. It could really be amazing. I think it is under rated.
  • Reply 11 of 26
    david rdavid r Posts: 135member
    I'll take two!
  • Reply 12 of 26
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>Third, typing is far faster and more precise (even with QWERTY) than speech... it just takes a bit of training. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wow, you must speak slowly!!!

    Or type really fast!!

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: ryukyu ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 26
    Ok, I'll repost this here instead of the thread that I started that got closed...

    Pink Floyd

    We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control.

    or do we?

    What would the world be like if we could control our computers through thoughts? There has been a lot of research done on brainwaves, and the subaural/subvolcaization thought process. Wouldnt it be cool to skip voice control, and move to a place where you dont have to worry about others hearing you or other peoples commands controlling your own computer? It's really not that big of a stretch to go from voice control to thought control.
  • Reply 14 of 26
    david rdavid r Posts: 135member
    Leave it up to Apple to come up with a good implementation of speech-recognition with a lot of cool uses.

    And that would fit the "backstage pass to the future" slogan, as well as all of the others.
  • Reply 15 of 26
    Ned,who used to play with Phil of the Grateful Dead,built instruments that could be manipulated by the subtle electromagnetic fields around your body.

    By the way,I think the speech recognition thing could be it.A couple of years ago I wrote to Apple to find out what the speech processing capabilities of OSX would be,and I got an e-mail from someone in a speech department,I can't remember what the exact title of the department was,but they said that OSX would have capabilities roughly similar to OS 9,which turned out to be true,then they said they could neither confirm nor deny that they were working on an advanced speech project,something I never asked them in the first place.
  • Reply 16 of 26
    hen they said they could neither confirm nor deny that they were working on an advanced speech project,something I never asked them in the first place.

    :::If true craps himself!:::

    AMAZING! :eek:
  • Reply 17 of 26
    This was about a year and a half ago.Obviously they are working on something,and OSX has had only a very minor update to speakable items so far.
  • Reply 18 of 26
    :::Schiller (name of computer) open M$ Ofice and,,,while your at it empty trash and then do my homework for me:::

    Seriously, maybe touch screen and speech recognition could soon become a reality? There are amazing possibilities here, especially with OS X's touchable interface and the iApps/iDevices coming out!

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Macintosh ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 26
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>nah, i'm with you, neilyb. that'd just be too weird for me. heck, i tried using voice authentication with os 9 when it first came out, but i felt dumb sitting there talking at my computer.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i think the reason you (anyone) feels stupid talking to their computer is because we all know it doesn't really listen. it doesn't respond naturally, it doesn't understand normal speach patterns and inflection.

    but what if it could? maybe not as perfectly as "Hey Hal, what do you think about CNN's coverage of Enrongate?" but maybe "Hal, I want to work on that post I started last night." It limits context based on 'last night' and 'post' and infers that you mean "Open my browser, go to the AI forums, and search for the most recent post from L_User."

    Now add to that level of functionality the ability to roam fairly widely with some small, portable device (iPortal?) and maintain live contact with your home/work/main Mac.

    Pretty cool?
  • Reply 19 of 26
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member
    There was an article in Macworld about this a short while ago (Andy Ihnatko's column, November 2001), which discusses this very issue. In my opinion, if
    • It's suffuciently good enough to handle natural language extremely well.

    • Apple gets it right on the first try

    • It's free with all new Macs. Preferably, it works with some older Macs. If so, Apple must not charge too much.

    • It doesn't replace keyboard/mouse (i.e. Apple still ships its computers with keyboards and mice).

    • Preferably, the rumored handwriting recognition is included. I imagine a "Input anyway you want" ad campaign.

    Then, and only then, will this be a smashing success. It will cause many users of older Macs to buy new (even if it is available seperately, as system requirements will no doubt be high). It will cause many more computer buyers to buy a Mac, if it is advertised properly. It would definately live up to the hype.

    Can Apple do it? I think they have the talent and innovators needed to pull it off. Plus, remember Apple has A LOT of cash. This allows them to experiment with things such as the Cube, which failed but they were easily able to withstand the loss, and the iPod, which looks to be a success, and now posssibly technologies such as this. iMac2 with Natural Voice (though I'm sure they can come up with a better name) seems reasonable technologically and seems like it would be just as popular and revolutionary, if not more so, than the original iMac.
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