Choosing encoding bit rates

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Lately I have been encoding a lot of clips to DivX or h.264 and I've discovered one hassle, choosing the video bit rate. Is there an easy way to choose an "optimum" or at least rough bit rate based on the resolution of the clip? Obviously it will vary a bit based on quality tastes but is there an easy way to gauge what sort of bit rates to choose without resorting to trial and error?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Since quality is relatively subjective, "optimal" bitrate varies greatly from person to person.

    While, you could accept advise, keep in mind that some people suggest 128kbps mp3s while others scoff at anything less than 256kbps. Video compression is in the same boat. I suggest sampling a few bitrates and then deciding for yourself what is an acceptable tradeoff between quality and convenience.
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