going to greece
the wife and i are going to greece in a few weeks and wanted some suggestion on what to see and do while we're there. most of the time will be spent on the isle of santorini, with roughly 2 1/2 days in athens. i'm sure we'll spend a day just running around athens looking at all the ruins and historical shit, which i'm absolutely looking forward to. any other ideas are welcome. thanks.
Share some pics with us when you return. Have fun!
Make sure to hit Plaka in Athens. Ton's of good food to be had there. It's located right next to the Parthanon.
It's a whole day trip from Athens but Meteora is a must see. Huge cliffs rising out of the ground with monasteries perched on top. Extremely breathtaking.
Santorini itself.... You're a lucky man. You'll never want to come back once you've seen this island.
Just make sure to hit a fourno(bakery) while your there. Nice and early in the morning and get fresh baked Laganas.
Have a blast!
Originally posted by AlmightyMac
Just got back from there myself.
Make sure to hit Plaka in Athens. Ton's of good food to be had there. It's located right next to the Parthanon.
It's a whole day trip from Athens but Meteora is a must see. Huge cliffs rising out of the ground with monasteries perched on top. Extremely breathtaking.
Santorini itself.... You're a lucky man. You'll never want to come back once you've seen this island.
Just make sure to hit a fourno(bakery) while your there. Nice and early in the morning and get fresh baked Laganas.
Have a blast!
thanks for the suggestions almightymac. the hotel we are staying at in athens, i'm told, is located right on the edge of the plaka. hopefully we should have ample opportunities to explore what it has to offer.
here are some links to the places we'll be staying at while in greece:
Originally posted by tonton
My only advice is that while on Santorini, wear as little as possible.
good people of santorini, behold my white ass.
Just hop on and it's about 30-40 minutes to a great boardwalk right next to the water. And a few stops more and you'll be in Glyfada (pronounced gleefatha) there's some great night-life there as well as some trendy shopping if you're into that.
Oh and in case the hotel doesnt have access, there's a couple of internet cafe's along the plaka as well. You know... in case you need to check the forums
Originally posted by tonton
"dork shorts".
This just made my week. Given that I live in a subtropical region, and on the beach, I will use that phrase ALL THE TIME.