Why no G5 in new eMac's?
Why do you think Apple chose not to put the G5 in the latest revision of the eMac? They could have gone with the 1.6ghz G5 I think. Is this another example of Apple crippling one hardware line to make another look better - the iMac? I think it's almost certain the next revision will have a G5 - the G4 is pretty ancient now.
Originally posted by icfireball
Apple dosn't want people to buy the lower priced eMac instead of their higher priced iMac. If they put a G5 in the eMac, the iMac would be less apealing and then eMac would not make as much profit margins unless Apple raised the prices, which is contrary to the emacs goal: an low priced educational all-in-one. Also if eMacs priced were raised, people would just buy the iMac because it would be two similarly equipt models at the same price, except one is "sexier". Also, IBM isn't producing enough G5 chips for iMacs, PowerMacs, AND eMacs.
the emac also i think is suppose to be a lower cheaper end apple for people to buy besides the mac mini so they could get a lil more "stuff" w/ the emac and for people who dont want to spend a lot for a mac.. as icfireball had stated that apples goal is to have lower end as well as higher priced computers for a wide variety of people