Using an LCD screen with a Powerbook
I have recently been having some problems with my wrists, as I am working at my Powerbok a lot.
So, I have decided to re-do my entire work setup, including getting a new desk and so on.
However, I am using a PowerBok to work and I want to get a computer screen that is eye-level (i.e. not below my like a laptop is). But, I am not in the financial position to invest in a new computer, just a new screen.
So, my question is: what is the best way to use my existing PowerBook and hook an external LCD screen up to it? Which LCD screens will work with it? Is there a way that I can have the laptop closed while I am working "on it" through an external screen?
And will I just be able to use the regular wireless keyboard and mouse from Apple with the external screen?
Any tips you could give me would be much appreciated as I aim to re-do my workspace!
Thanks much!
I have recently been having some problems with my wrists, as I am working at my Powerbok a lot.
So, I have decided to re-do my entire work setup, including getting a new desk and so on.
However, I am using a PowerBok to work and I want to get a computer screen that is eye-level (i.e. not below my like a laptop is). But, I am not in the financial position to invest in a new computer, just a new screen.
So, my question is: what is the best way to use my existing PowerBook and hook an external LCD screen up to it? Which LCD screens will work with it? Is there a way that I can have the laptop closed while I am working "on it" through an external screen?
And will I just be able to use the regular wireless keyboard and mouse from Apple with the external screen?
Any tips you could give me would be much appreciated as I aim to re-do my workspace!
Thanks much!
Originally posted by nickhuober
Is there a way that I can have the laptop closed while I am working "on it" through an external screen?
If I remember correctly, according to the manual, if you plug in an external monitor together with a USB keyboard and mouse it will work. Close the lid, wait for your PowerBook to enter sleep then press any key on the keyboard to awake the PowerBook, keeping the screen off and your external monitor on.
Originally posted by keot
If I remember correctly, according to the manual, if you plug in an external monitor together with a USB keyboard and mouse it will work. Close the lid, wait for your PowerBook to enter sleep then press any key on the keyboard to awake the PowerBook, keeping the screen off and your external monitor on.
This is correct. I use an external; keyboard and mouse and would recommend a stand for the PowerBook - the iCurve is very good. However, any VGA or DVI monitor would work with your PowerBook (depends on age of PowerBook, obviously). Apple displays are good, but if you don't need exact colour you can get any monitor but remember to calibrate it.
i can also confirm that the apple bluetooth keyboard works with a lid-closed set up. its really easy: just plug in your external monitor, plug in your keyboard (or turn bluetooth on), then close the lid of your powerbook. after that, just press any key on the external keyboard and you're up and running. if i don't have a need for an extended desktop, i just stash my laptop behind the cinema display, out of sight.
if ergonomics are your concern, i wouldn't be so quick to just get a stand to bring it to eye level. your eyes are going to be the next to feel the hurt as the LCDs on the laptops are a far cry from being as bright as any display that comes with a power brick. having my powerbook LCD next to the cinema display is like looking at night and day. much easier to read on the big guy. my vote is definitely for additional display and keyboard..