what do Intel have up their sleeve to put in the next Powermacs ?? ??
Ok enough b*tchin' already.....
let's get down to business.
SJ is no idiot, Apple are going Intel for a reason, most likely a good one.
So we're going to Intel, sure the the PPC had more potential...
potential schmotential if it ain't yielding results. Too bad but so be it.
What I wanna know is:
What's this roadmap ? We have over a year before the first Intel based Powermacs hit the market.
Show me the contestants.
Anyone think the Powermac will die altogether ? Maybe we'll finally see a nice
ultra-quiet X-station. Like a 2-4U version of the Xserve, but whisper quiet....
Which to me, as an audio pro, seems super sweet.
Let's look forward to what he future may bring.
Fire away!
let's get down to business.
SJ is no idiot, Apple are going Intel for a reason, most likely a good one.
So we're going to Intel, sure the the PPC had more potential...
potential schmotential if it ain't yielding results. Too bad but so be it.
What I wanna know is:
What's this roadmap ? We have over a year before the first Intel based Powermacs hit the market.
Show me the contestants.
Anyone think the Powermac will die altogether ? Maybe we'll finally see a nice
ultra-quiet X-station. Like a 2-4U version of the Xserve, but whisper quiet....
Which to me, as an audio pro, seems super sweet.
Let's look forward to what he future may bring.
Fire away!
I don't hate the switch, I just LOVE the OS ( OS X ofcourse).