Loss of sound in opengl apps

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hi, for some reason certain apps that use opengl don't seem to be playing all their sound. I first noticed it when launching MarbleBlast, which works but doesn't play any sound. I then tried Nanosaur 2, which only played some music but not all the sounds it's supposed to play.

Does anyone have any ideas what the issue might be and how to fix it? I've already tried trashing some preference files for MarbleBlast and resetting PRAM but neither are working. System sounds don't seem to be affected. It plays iTunes and other system sounds fine.

iMac G5 1.8 Tiger 10.4.1

PS. I can confirm the problem is system wide and isn't only affecting my user account.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I don't know if this will work, but open the Sound Preference Pane and toggle your sound output settings. Sometimes I've had problems where the Finder will play sound through my headphones but after launching a game its sound will still come out my Sound Sticks. Switching the sound output device to something else and back back to my headphones usually fixes it.

    I'd say you check the in-game volume settings, but since its happening across various games, I doubt you'll find anything fishy there.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 985member
    No luck there I'm afraid. The first thing I checked was in game settings. Well I've only got one output device, but I've tried unplugging and replugging my external speakers. There is a console in MarbleBlast that may yield some clues as to what's wrong, but I don't know a way to copy the text. I sure hope I don't have to do a complete system reinstall, that would sure suck. I don't see why they would cause such a problem, but the only things I've installed lately are

    Audacity 1.2.3

    vlc 0.8.1

    Lynx text browser (I'm worried this may be a culprit, it didn't work and I trashed it and my Terminal command line looks different than it did before). When connected to the intener, the prompt is "dialup-103:~ myname$ " when I never noticed it say dialup in the prompt before.

    iController0.43 which puts an iTunes control in the menu bar (which I'm no longer using)

    Any help to avoid a possible complete system reinstall would be greatly appreciated.

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