WWP on WAOR 95.3
long story-short, iThink
OK, most of you wont care about this, but it was exciting for me.
This past wednesday my band, Who Wants Pie was asked to play some live acoustic songs on local radio station WAOR friday. This was short notice for us and after one hour of rehearsal we went in and smoked.... 2 acoustic guitars and a few shakers/tambourines with the vocals. The DJ recieved alot of calls while we were there, and listeners were very happy with our performance.
We had to play "classic" rock songs since WAOR is a classic station. Most of our stuff is newer alt/pop/dance rock, but we were able to pull out a few oldies. Friday night we had a gig at one of the local hotspots and had a great crowd, many had heard us that morning on teh radio. We are hoping that the "halo" effect from the radio gig will stick for a while.
anyways... enough of my ramblings. If you care to listen to the live radio songs I have them as .m4a's to download at the url's below.
or you can go here and link up through web browser for .mp3's
These songs were recorded from a headphone jack on my radio to GarageBand via iMac G5 20'. I had my wife at home clicking the record button on and off.
I am still waiting for a CD from the station for a better mix.
if you have time, let us know what you think
Thanks, Randy
OK, most of you wont care about this, but it was exciting for me.
This past wednesday my band, Who Wants Pie was asked to play some live acoustic songs on local radio station WAOR friday. This was short notice for us and after one hour of rehearsal we went in and smoked.... 2 acoustic guitars and a few shakers/tambourines with the vocals. The DJ recieved alot of calls while we were there, and listeners were very happy with our performance.
We had to play "classic" rock songs since WAOR is a classic station. Most of our stuff is newer alt/pop/dance rock, but we were able to pull out a few oldies. Friday night we had a gig at one of the local hotspots and had a great crowd, many had heard us that morning on teh radio. We are hoping that the "halo" effect from the radio gig will stick for a while.
anyways... enough of my ramblings. If you care to listen to the live radio songs I have them as .m4a's to download at the url's below.
or you can go here and link up through web browser for .mp3's
These songs were recorded from a headphone jack on my radio to GarageBand via iMac G5 20'. I had my wife at home clicking the record button on and off.
I am still waiting for a CD from the station for a better mix.
if you have time, let us know what you think
Thanks, Randy