ibook traveling question

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
In about 2 weeks I will be traveling to Australia, which is about 22 hour trip for me as I live in NY, USA. It's about a 5 hour flight to LAX (LA airport) and then about another 16 hour flight to Sydney. As you can see it is a very very long flight. I have an 1.33 ghz ibook and an ipod, both which I will be bringing on this long flight, but neither would last me the entire flight. On battery when watching a movie the ibook will only last about 3 hrs and my ipod only lasts, I think, 8 hrs at most. That is only 11 hours out of my 22 hour trip and I do not sleep well on planes, so sleeping is out of the question, hehe. A friend told me that they have power jacks now on some planes so you can plug in your laptop, dvd player, ect. So, i looked into purchasing the inverter or whatever it is that would allow me to plug my ibook or ipod in the plane to allow them to charge/be powered. However, I will be traveling in economy class and I called the airline (Qantas) and they only have the power jacks in first class. Are there any other options for me? Keep in mind I do not want to spend a ton of money (ie- $100, or whatever it costs, for a second ibook battery... which still would only really give me another 3 hrs anyway). If not, I'll just use my devices until they die and then attempt to sleep or maybe bring a book or two as well, hah. Thanks in advance for any help!



  • Reply 1 of 20
    joeyjoey Posts: 236member
    Your only option is really extra batteries... or one of those external battery packs. Another possibility would be if you have any friends that might have an extra battery that they would let you borrow for the trip. That flight is horrible... I actually flew it first class... with the nice big seats that recline all the way back... and even with that 16 hours is unbearable. At least on the way there... you fly to LAX in about 5 hours... then you have that long flight to Sydney... coming back... you have that long flight... you're just happy to be on the ground back in LAX... then you have to get on a plane back to NY.

    Apart from the travel... I really liked Australia (and New Zealand)
  • Reply 2 of 20
    nuttynutty Posts: 50member
    [just a joke]Wait till everyone else falls asleep on the plane and then go in the bathroom, there is a plug in there.[/joke]

    If possible get a different airline, I live in japan with the us military and when you travel China airlines they have normal pulgs and unlimted 11mbs ethernet plugs in all of the classes

    Honestly though if this is your first trip it is going to be hell, bring Ibprofen, advil, and if you can drink fast a bottle of wisky. after about 7 round trips to the states(hmm... about 175 hours total) they just fly by. Though I must say I always enjoy watchting businesses men with 3 year old IBM thinkpad laptops say to each other, "man those guys are idiots with (new)Apple laptops, Those don't work with windows wireless networking", always a good laugh.

    But just stay away from northwest airlines, the flight atendents look and act like they have not gotton sleep in the past 3 days before you even take off.
  • Reply 3 of 20

    Originally posted by Joey

    Your only option is really extra batteries... or one of those external battery packs. Another possibility would be if you have any friends that might have an extra battery that they would let you borrow for the trip. That flight is horrible... I actually flew it first class... with the nice big seats that recline all the way back... and even with that 16 hours is unbearable. At least on the way there... you fly to LAX in about 5 hours... then you have that long flight to Sydney... coming back... you have that long flight... you're just happy to be on the ground back in LAX... then you have to get on a plane back to NY.

    Apart from the travel... I really liked Australia (and New Zealand)

    I just checked the apple website and it's $130 for an extra battery, are there cheaper ones anywhere else? Cuz there is no way I am paying that much for an extra 6 hrs (which is really more like 3 hrs if you're actually using the laptop, hah). Also whats this about an external battery pack... what is it and how much do they go for? Thanks!

  • Reply 4 of 20
    mikefmikef Posts: 698member
    I guess it all depends on how badly you want the extra battery life...

    Other World Computing has long(er) life, aftermarket batteries but they're no cheaper than OEM.

    I've seen external battery packs but they've been mucho expensive (2 or 3 times the price of an OEM). Search for "external notebook battery" on Google for many links.

    Edit: Electrovaya has the slimline external batteries that are expensive.

    If you want to juice up your iPod, you could always make your own Altoids can battery pack.
  • Reply 5 of 20
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member
    I too was going to mention the bathroom option. Just remember that when you exit the restroom with ibook in hand, scream I took a long time but did not masturbate in there!! so that no one will suspect anything.

    You might also be able to recharge during your layover.

  • Reply 6 of 20
    maybe a battery from ebay?
  • Reply 7 of 20
    joeyjoey Posts: 236member

    maybe a battery from ebay?

    Oooh... that's a no-no... unless it's an eBay store with some type of warranty. Lithium Ion batteries lose capacity (down to about 80%) after about 500 full charge cycles. If you buy a used one, you have no idea how much it has been used (and you also have to assume there is a reason someone is getting rid of it)... Also... as the batteries age, they lose capacity as well. Sometimes places will try to dump old stock. If the battery is two to three years old, you'll likely have diminished capacity as well... even if it's new and in it's original packaging.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    mikefmikef Posts: 698member
    Agreed, unless the battery is brand new (and under warranty), eBay is not a good idea.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Close yourself up in a small closet of your house with the lights on and learn to fall asleep in there. Once you get on the plane, it'll be like sleeping on a plush bed.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member
    Ask the flight attendant to run an extension cord up to first class. Slip him/her a $20.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    pwppwp Posts: 4member
    when i flew to aus at christmas from the uk that was with quantas. they had recently updated the entertainment system so each seat had games, 8 tv channels, a phone and i cant remember how many radio stations. Its not too bad.
  • Reply 12 of 20

    Originally posted by pwp

    when i flew to aus at christmas from the uk that was with quantas. they had recently updated the entertainment system so each seat had games, 8 tv channels, a phone and i cant remember how many radio stations. Its not too bad.

    were you in coach or first class?
  • Reply 13 of 20
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member
    I like the toilet idea, but you can also stay charged at your seat if you dismantle the overhead reading light and run the wires into your ibook.

    edit: mac users are sexy so you may be able to seduce the flight attendants into bumping you up to first class where you will have power.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    pwppwp Posts: 4member

    Originally posted by JordanEatWorld

    were you in coach or first class?

    coach (im guessing thats economy)
  • Reply 15 of 20
    nuttynutty Posts: 50member
    Most airlines have some sort of personal entertainment system in the coach class now, Somethimes as little as a 5 inch moniter and choice of 3 movies to when i was on china airlines (in coach) xbox games and aol instant messenging, along with the normal movies and pretaped show stuff.
  • Reply 16 of 20
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member

    Put a couple DVDs onto the actual hard drive. It will save battery life compared to having the optical drive spin the entire time. Use MacTheRipper.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    Anyone know if Japan airlines has socket plugs or such? I'd love to use my laptop the whole way for typing and such.

    It's too bad their LAN internet service is only on select flights (London -> Tokyo) and not from SF to Tokyo. =(
  • Reply 18 of 20

    Originally posted by JordanEatWorld

    ... or maybe bring a book or two as well...

    what a novel idea !! (pun intended)

    but really, doesn't anyone READ anymore ????
  • Reply 19 of 20
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    There aren't many options. Putting the DVDs on the HD might help.

    You can't use the AC plug in the bathroom. I've tried several times and it doesn't work. I think they have some sort of limiter that only lets you draw a small amount of power. I've confirmed with a voltmeter that there was 110VAC on the open socket but when I plugged in my PB adapter there was no action. An iPod charger might work.

    I think you can get an external battery pack for the iPod that uses regular alkaline batteries. That might not be too expensive.

    For the flight I'd suggest taking along a decongestant like Sudafed. Some people (like me) develop congested sinuses that can take days to recover from. Something about the dry air and low air pressure.

    Drink plenty of bottled water, take a walk every hour or so. Reading material is good to have. Bring along ear plugs or noise blocking earbuds or headphones. Cutting down the roar really helps lower your stress, especially on a long flight.

    Those are my suggestions based on over 1.4 million flight miles, mostly to Asia.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    regreg Posts: 832member
    On the really long flights it is best to get the airline provided entertainment and a book. Unless you are in business class your chances of getting a power outlet in is slim. I check www.seatguru.com to see what is availible and which are the good seats. I have some noise cancelling headsets that I used that are good at blocking out noise and talkative people in the seat next or behind you. Save your powerbook for your layover times where there are plenty of power outlets to use.

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