Drive 10: Mircromat says "DOH!!!!"

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Well, on my first visit to an Apple store I picked up a base station and a copy of Drive 10. Since I was at my in-laws, I couldn't do much with the AirPort (they have AOL and I didn't want to get into that) I decided to fool with Drive 10 on my Pismo.

Problem: Every time the app got to "volume structures", it unexpectedly quit. So, I tried rebooting...same problem. I zapped the PRAM...same problem. I also tried it with classic on and off, read the manual, booted form the Drive 10 CD and various other things.

Finally I broke down and called tech support. The guy told me that my version, 1.0.2, had that problem when it got to the volume structures portion of the tests (all others worked fine). He said they had already fixed it in 1.0.3 Well great, I thought.

Ready for the fix? They email me instructions on how to SEND THE CD BACK TO THEM SO THEY CAN SEND ME A NEW ONE. WTF?????

So, I have a $70 program I can't use and is brand new....I also can't check my email because it appears that my school district's server is down....guess which email address I gave them since I am checking my email on a PC??? Let me make sure you hear this: The utility I bought to fix problems on my machine has itself failed, right out of the box. Bastards....nice quality control there!



  • Reply 1 of 3
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Let me just say that Drive 10 from Micromat has been less than useful. I would buy it if it defragmented the drive in X but it will not. In fact, it will not defragment drives at all. Useful...

    Come on Micromat, where are the good utilities? Don't let Norton run the show...
  • Reply 2 of 3
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    All I can say is that Out of the big 3 I've found disk warrior to be by far the best (although not the most feature complete) at fixing problems (and it does it very fast compared to Nortons).

    If you haven't given DW a chance I suggest you try it.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    Drive 10 is nice to look at but that is about it. BTW they updated it about a week or so ago.
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