Thank The Lords of Kobol - WD Scorpio

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
So i decided to open up my dad's iBook g4, and violate the 1.5 years of applecare left on it by installing a 5400rpm 8mb cache western digital scorpio (bought for the equivalent of USD $85.

Thanks the gawds, it works

The plastic of the iBook is a bit hobbled though, everything is generally okay except for the input/output bezel - that is, the plastic bit where the ports are, the bottom edge of the bezel is poking out slightly and not sitting nice and flush with the unit.

Also i have 3 screws left over which i didn't have when i started. oh and 2 springs. i like the battery without the springs, seems to have a more secure fit.

My back is really painful with all the prying and stretching and stuff.

The combo drive is dying (not from my adventures but previous problems --- not my fault !!) so i couldn't reinstall tiger. and hence, couldn't read a RAID backup that was set up in tiger. 10.3 will not read 10.4 RAID, WARNING TO EVERYBODY.

Luckily I grabbed a Samsung 16x DVD-ROM/CD-ROM thingamygig for USD $21.00 and was able to boot and install mac os 10.4 dvd off that samsung via a fw400-to-IDE-bridge-thing i have. it's designed for 3.5" drives but worked with the samsung

so i should be on my way now restoring things back to normal, and my dad's not going to kill me.

heh... yeah, i'm 26 not 16 but (a) i'm living with my parents at the moment and (b) it's his iBook g4, my older, richer brother bought it for him one year and a half ago

*big sigh of relief*

May the lords of kobol protect you all

they have for me today. phew. i thought i was dead meat. all i could think about with the iBook guts and screws all over the place was, don't panic, just focus on what was needed to be done - that is, the hard disk replacement.

i shall shortly make the appropriate reports into the ol' drive compatability database.

no problems at all with the WD Scorpio plugged straight into the iBook g4 logic board and no problems so far with the samsung dvd-rom via GL711 ide-to-fw400/usb2.0 bridge chipset


bloody hell.

peace. time for dinner



  • Reply 1 of 4
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    edit: i'm afraid the iBook will not survive another 'operation'. it's already had its lcd display replaced by applecare several months ago.

    modem died a few months ago as well, but is not covered by applecare (they blame lightning, it does happen a lot in my area but as though we would have kept it plugged in during a lightning storm)

    dvd drive is somewhat hosed but the external is nice and reads other formats. not wasting time with DVD-burning, just gonna use external hard drives, including the old' 4200rpm hitachi travelstar.

    i really should have dinner soon...
  • Reply 2 of 4
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    10.3 will not read 10.4 RAID, WARNING TO EVERYBODY.

    Since when would an older tool be expected to automagically read more modern, upgraded formats which didn't exist when the older system was built?

    While there are some cases where updates retain backwards compatibility and can be opened by older versions, usually there is some loss of feature support... hardly surprising. OS X can normally read OS 9 files, but OS 9 wouldn't reasonably be expected to suss out the intricacies of OS X, would it?

    Granted a point difference isn't as major, but the principle still applies.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    So say we all.

    Nice work on your doctoring skills man.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by gsxrboy

    So say we all.

    Nice work on your doctoring skills man.

    cheers mate
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