Anyone read this?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Anyone read thie? It's an ADC email from Apple?

Connect: Pro2Pro Design, Develop, and Deploy on the Web

Apple would like to invite you to an exclusive event during Macworld

San Francisco 2002. Whether you're designing the future interface

for your corporate website, developing rich interactive content with

Macromedia Flash and QuickTime, integrating with open source

databases, or looking for a reliable solution to host and stream

your creations, Connect: Pro2Pro will bring you face to face with

top developers of web tools, as well as with your fellow web


Network with the best and the brightest, learn new techniques with

your favorite applications built for Mac OS X, and ask technical

representatives your questions. You'll also see new applications and

solutions pointing toward the future of web publishing.

When: January 9 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Where: The Forum at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts next to the

Moscone Convention Center

Wireless Internet access will be available to all attendees with

AirPort-enabled laptops. One of the many highlights of this event

will be a special presentation by Frank Casanova, Director of the

QuickTime team.

Space is limited and registration is required for this special

event. For more information and to register, please visit:

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

Attending Developers:

- 4D

- Adobe

- Bare Bones Software

- Blueworld

- Borland

- Computer Systems Odessa

- Connectix

- digital.forest

- Discreet

- Equilibrium

- FrontBase

- Halcyon

- Men & Mice

- OmniGroup

- RealViz

- Sorenson Media

- Stone Design

- Tenon

- Toon Boom Technologies

- Totally Hip

__________________________________________________ __________________

You are receiving this invitation because you are an ADC Member who

has agreed to receive Technical or Marketing information from the

Apple Developer Connection. Your information has not been shared

with any third parties.

Did you see this part?

You'll also see new applications and

solutions pointing toward the future of web publishing.


Golive 6 for X? iWebpage?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member
    It's almost well-known that GoLive will be announced/released at MWSF because Adobe posted the specs early on their website. Apple probably won't release webpage design software since they have Homepage already but, if they do, iSite sounds much cooler.
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