Poll: Does OS X make you upgrade your software?
Well....usually I really 'fall behind' when comes to software. I don't really upgrade that much unless there's a real need
However with OSX I really start upgrading those major apps I am using.....
First.....Cinema 4D (free upgrade fortunately)......then Illustrator 10....then After Effects 5.5.....now Final Cut Pro 3.
The next one probably is Photoshop 7. And it should be the last big app that I need to upgrade in the next 18 months.
After Photoshop. I will just leave other smaller apps "as is". I will leave Dreamweaver, Office, QuarkXpress to run under Classic.
[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
However with OSX I really start upgrading those major apps I am using.....
First.....Cinema 4D (free upgrade fortunately)......then Illustrator 10....then After Effects 5.5.....now Final Cut Pro 3.
The next one probably is Photoshop 7. And it should be the last big app that I need to upgrade in the next 18 months.
After Photoshop. I will just leave other smaller apps "as is". I will leave Dreamweaver, Office, QuarkXpress to run under Classic.
[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>