Wow please help hard to find Mac games

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
Wow its hard to find one lol anyone know a good Mac game web site that sells games for Mac? Probelm is i went to Apple store of Fasion Vally to look around for a good RPG game and saw Baldur's Gate 2 Throne of Bhaal... I was so excited because i heard it was a great rpg game so i asked a rep if i could go home a play it on my Mac and he said yes with no probelm so i was supid enough NOT to look on the back, and bought it now i am home and noticed damit its the expansion.. So i said no big deal just buy expansion... But apple dosn't sell Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn, and i was just on Google for 1-2 hours looking for it.. Tried Ebay, Amazon and a few smaller gaming sites for Mac either their Out or don't sell it anymore.. BIG probelm now i have a game i can't play or find the one i need to use it... I thought it was wired how Mac sold Expansion but not orignal game.. Any suggestings? Thanks. Brian

P.S. tired Wow and was fun but imo not worth the 15$ a month... Any other good RPG games you would suggest? i heard NeverWinter Nights is good...

P.S. tried Games post at bottom no web site has it except on "Out of Stock" Damit


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