For UK readers: ChildLine's We Hear Scared People Campaign to raise more funds

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014

As many of you in the UK know, my former employer ChildLine, is one of the UK's children's charity counselling children in need over the phone. They answer more than 2300 calls every day with another 1700 missing out. ChildLine's latest campaign to raise funds is called We Hear Scared People.

The film was shot by Lee & Dan, the guys behind the controversial VW ad, the alternative party political broadcasts for Channel4 etc. It was all generously done for free and this website will feature a list of everyone who worked on this ad - all giving their time and skills free of charge.

Unfortunately due to lack of funds, ChildLine are basically facing cuts to their service. They currently provide a 24/7/365 helpline but heavy demands on the public's compassion this year have contributed to an acute shortage of funds to run the 24-hour service ChildLine has provided for almost 20 years.

In order to keep the daytime and evening services running ChildLine may have to shut its crucial night service which relies on paid staff rather than volunteers. The night service counsels fewer children but they are often the ones in desperate need. Children ringing ChildLine in the early hours of the morning after being abused or running away from desperate situations at home may soon find that the lines are closed.

To donate please call 0800 876 6000 or visit ChildLine's online campaign to raise funds courtesy of JustGiving.. Please feel free to pass this information on your friends and colleagues in the UK.

If this post voilates any forum rules, please contact me directly and I am happy to remove. I just see this as a good cause that we as a community can do something about.

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