Indispensable Mac OS X Software

in Mac Software edited January 2014

Quite a few of my friends have switched from Windows to Mac, and many of them have had a hard time figuring out which apps. for Mac OS X they should get. I've therefore compiled a list of what I see as indispensable Mac OS X software....most apps. are free- or shareware.

I'm in no way affiliated with any of the developers of the apps listed...The sole purpose of this posting here is to try to help some of the many new switchers get a good start with Mac OS X.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    nice summary something most should bookmark just for reference. i'd add shutterfly photo upload software. i used it with my iphoto( it integrates with iphoto perfectly but didn't run on 10.2) and the pictures though a bit more than kodak look much better and you can add comments or file names to back of photos very nice feature..

    add shutterfly
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