Why does mac still suck with graphics on pages?
I don't get it. it's been about a year since I got a powerbook, and safari has always sucked with graphics. when there's a lot of graphics on a page it locks up and gets really slow and safari uses about 70-80% CPU usage.
so i figure Tiger would fix it.. but it doesn't. wtf?
so i figure Tiger would fix it.. but it doesn't. wtf?
Originally posted by djmb
I don't get it. it's been about a year since I got a powerbook, and safari has always sucked with graphics. when there's a lot of graphics on a page it locks up and gets really slow and safari uses about 70-80% CPU usage.
so i figure Tiger would fix it.. but it doesn't. wtf?
Steve Jobs stopped beating his wife yesterday.
Originally posted by djmb
I don't get it. it's been about a year since I got a powerbook, and safari has always sucked with graphics. when there's a lot of graphics on a page it locks up and gets really slow and safari uses about 70-80% CPU usage.
so i figure Tiger would fix it.. but it doesn't. wtf?
I'm not sure what behavior you are describing, but the first thing that I would do is delete the folder ~/Library/Safari/Icons. Then delete the cache using the menu command.
To make a script to delete the folder "Icons" whenever you want (or to put the script in Login Items) you can select the following 4 lines of text between the asterisks:
(**************Start Script**********)
\ttell application "Finder" to delete folder "Icons" of folder "Safari" of folder "Library" of home
on error -- (folder already deleted or missing)
end try
(*************End Script***********)
Once the lines are selected (highlighted), choose Safari->Services->Script Editor->Make New AppleScript from the Safari menu. Switch to the Script Editor and save the script in ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Safari, or save it on the Desktop and then drag it into the list of Login Items in System Preferences->Accounts->Login Items.
Use Applications/AppleScript/AppleScript Utility to turn on the Script Menu if it is not already showing. Then you can choose the script from the menu bar when in Safari. You have to quit and relaunch Safari for the change to take effect.
Moving to Genius Bar.
with many pictures. try it.
it's a lot better in mozilla yes, but why does it suck in safari?
Originally posted by djmb
I'm talking about a site like this
with many pictures. try it.
it's a lot better in mozilla yes, but why does it suck in safari?
Safari loads that page way faster than Firefox for me.
Originally posted by BeigeUser
How much RAM do you have? How much free hard drive space? Did you clear cache? Maybe delete prefs.
Cute girl, awful page.
It takes me 'bout 5 seconds until the pink background arrives. Everything is still splattered hither and yon all over the browser window though.
Testing it with Firefox it is a lotttttttt slower, like a whole lot slower. Mozilla creaks even more. Camino is a little better then Firefox, but all of them suck compared to Safari.
I'm on a PowerBook 1.67GHz, 2GB RAM, lotsa disk, DSL eXtreme.
I've been hearing the, "Why is Safari so slow!?!?!" crap forever. As well as the, "Gosh! Safari just SPED UP a whole bunch after the latest system update! Yay Apple! It's SnapPier!#!!@111!"
Safari has worked, pretty much exactly the same for me since 10.3.whatever, until 10.4.2. By which I mean to say: it's pretty damn fast. Certainly faster than any other browser I've tested. It scrolls real smoove.
The only ISSUE it appears to have is it keels over and drops dead, crashes, goes buh-bye, every so often when loading a site that uses heavy javascript. I suspect this is Apple's java implementation, and not Safari per se.
The OTHER issue is the scrollbar leaves artifacts sometimes. Like pieces of a scrollbar wedged in the middle of nothing. You move the actual scrollbar through it, and it vanishes. It started doing this in 10.4.
Additionally, whut up with the red and green doTs that sometimes show up in terminal windows and on-screen around fonts. My first thought was that my monitor was blowing up, but when the window moves, the dots move with it, so then I thought I should try it again when I wasn't stoned. Since none of this helped, I have concluded that font rendering is hosed since 10.4.2.
In conclusion, you should hook up with that girl and offer to fix her page.
If all that doesn't work out, just hit your computer with a hammer a coupla times; it contains lots of mechanical parts and probably the rendering engine inside Safari is stuck.
God bless us all, most especially those who are one with the love, which is the light; that is truth, by which I mean to say Apple.
Originally posted by djmb
haha i dont know the girl i was just using her page as an example because it's so image heavy and loads really slow for me, and scrolling down takes forever
No wonder Safari slows down.. Web pages like that shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, or perhaps they could somehow be shielded from users + 18.
Originally posted by Token
No wonder Safari slows down.. Web pages like that shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, or perhaps they could somehow be shielded from users + 18.
So we agree: its not a bug, its a feature.
Very cute girl. But her wanting to fill it with...junk...like that gives her a thousand minus points
I had some free time so I did a quick test of the page linked above.
Here are the results:
Safari: 5 seconds until browsable and 25 seconds until completely loaded.
Camino: 8 seconds until browsable and 30 seconds until completely loaded.
IE on Win XP: 15 seconds until browsable and 1'30" until completely loaded.
Safari & Camino was run on a Tiger Powermac DP 533 w/1GB RAM
IE was run on WIndows XP 933MHz PIII w/256MB RAM
All tests were run on the same port of my company LAN.
The XP machine was probably slow due to the shortage of RAM. But overall I do not find that the mac is extremely slower than Windows in terms of browsing that particular page.
djmb probably has a problem with his network setup. I think there are software that optimizes network connections. Or maybe he has too much old baggage from previous installs that a clean install of the OS is necessary.
Either way, the problem is not with Macs in general but with his particular powerbook.
damn. i'm almost 27, i never ever want to have kids, i'm still growing out of adolescence.
meh. djmb, fresh install, yes, that would be good. that webpage is filled with so much garbage that probably only rubbish like IE would try and render it, although based on these reports safari is okay.
safari speed is being constantly improved, latest CVS builds show a lot of promise and are always implemented back into the x.4.1 x.4.2 etc releases once they are bug-tested to an "acceptable" level
it's snapFabulous on my amdk8 venice 3000+ (2.2ghz overclocked) 1gb ram windows xp machine) although my DSL connection 'hops' to the US is very slow from malaysistan so the page loads in 5 seconds or so, probably a few minutes for all the other junk to come through