Virus attached???

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hey folks,

I E mailed somone some screenshots and when they got them their "P.C." Said that their were virus`s attached,tried it again same thing...

I downloaded some virus freeware and scanned everything stem to stern.

Nothing nada zip.........

Second thing, when i restarted my mac their was this virus barrier thing running in the start up which made start up take forever then my mac was running slow..... when i was finally booted and logged in.

So.... i did a search for the start up files found the virus barrier thing started to get rid of it but some of the files in it said last modified "may 9th" which that cant be because i never had this software then.... i deleted the file anyway, it solved the problem my mac works fast again speedy and perfect!

I just want to make sure with some more knowlegable users that I didnt delete anything important because the date seemed strange but all in all everything works fine.............. about the other,I have heard of windows based mail clients labeling attachements as having virus even from new macssome kind of bug? so maybe my girlfreinds p.c. jumped the gun or somthing.

any reassurance would be hot... thanks cat


  • Reply 1 of 4
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well, without knowing what package you downloaded, and what files you deleted, I can't be 100% reassuring that you haven't messed anything up... BUT... if it's booting and running normally, and what you deleted seemed appropriate, then chances are you're okay.

    Now as to the dates on the files... that's normal. When a file is archived into an .zip file, added to a .dmg, etc, the creation/modified date is preserved. So that date is when the manufacturer last updated it. All okay there.

    The PC anti-virus probably flipped out, or it's a simple case of it going "I have no idea what this is, so I'm going to say it's a virus to cover my own buttocks."
  • Reply 2 of 4
    cool thanks yeah everything works on my mac its its usual speedy, snappy, it just works, self.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    now we will see if i send somthing if it still says virus attached
  • Reply 4 of 4
    tidelwavtidelwav Posts: 118member
    Send it to someone with Windows.
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