Best Search Engines?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I once remember this site that I could plug in my name or anyones name and get a listing of their previous addresses. It wasn't the bajillion of companies trying to sell this same info for $$$$ that google likes to bombard me with now. This is public info ...anyone have a nice set of links for searching people namely myself? Thanks in advance. Any other search engines that you wish to recommend I'm all ears.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    Sure.. just give me your name.. And SS#. And blood type. And eye color.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    Sure.. just give me your name.. And SS#. And blood type. And eye color.

    Dude thanks!! Everyone else wants money.

    Harold Murchison



  • Reply 3 of 12

    Not sure it's what you were referring to, but it sounds similar.


    from CNET story, emphasis mine

    A Web site that concerns privacy advocates because it makes it ultra easy for anyone to find anyone else's address and phone number is about to get even more controversial. ZabaSearch is a search engine for personal information, including current and past addresses, phone numbers and birthdates.

    In his San Francisco Chronicle column on Friday, David Lazarus reports that the company is planning to introduce a feature, ZabaBlog, that will allow people to write and post blogs about other individuals.

    Reaction from a privacy advocate was, not surprisingly, negative. "It's outrageous," Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, told Lazarus, adding that it is irresponsible for a search service to "move into the area of what could be unsubstantiated gossip." Given that private individuals have stronger rights to privacy under libel law than public figures, the move could be a risky one for ZabaSearch.

    Interestingly, the chairman of ZabaSearch himself, Nicholas Matsorkis, is no stranger to gossip and intrigue, having a connection to the 1997 mass suicide of nearly 40 members of the Heaven's Gate cult in Southern California. Several employees of a former company he owned were cult members and he had driven one of them to the house where the bodies were found, Lazarus wrote.

    Just don't go joining a cult on us Harold.
  • Reply 4 of 12

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Dude thanks!! Everyone else wants money.

    Harold Murchison




    Harold Murchison has just been added to the TSA's no fly list.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    I've been liking yahoo more and more every day.

  • Reply 6 of 12
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by cberic3

    I've been liking yahoo more and more every day.


    i can't get over the feeling that yahoo search is nothing more than a blatant ripoff of google. what sets it apart?
  • Reply 7 of 12
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm beginning to think that Google is a company most likely to let the US government read your email.

    And Search History... something seems fishy. That's not useful at all... to the user.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Google needs to realize that there is already a "Froogle" section. When I need product info I'd prefer not to see the top 3 hits consist of




    Google's search engine is rapidly approaching suckdom. Love the other tools but finding that I'm not getting the results I once did. I'm not saying their evil but I can now see the day some upstart outdoes them using the same "don't be evil" attitude they engender.
  • Reply 9 of 12

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Google needs to realize that there is already a "Froogle" section. When I need product info I'd prefer not to see the top 3 hits consist of




    Google's search engine is rapidly approaching suckdom. Love the other tools but finding that I'm not getting the results I once did. I'm not saying their evil but I can now see the day some upstart outdoes them using the same "don't be evil" attitude they engender.

    The great thing for consumers with the search engine market is it is very easy to switch. One day i can love google than the next i can hate it and use yahoo. Its not like the MSFT v. AAPL or linux where a switch is a big deal.

    On that note, i do not like Yahoo's layout of search results but honestly, i am not against using it if google doesn't find it.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Google needs to realize that there is already a "Froogle" section. When I need product info I'd prefer not to see the top 3 hits consist of




    Google's search engine is rapidly approaching suckdom. Love the other tools but finding that I'm not getting the results I once did. I'm not saying their evil but I can now see the day some upstart outdoes them using the same "don't be evil" attitude they engender.

    Those are the top three hits because those are the top 3 most-visited sites for that query. No conspiracy; Google pits relevancy against the hitcount of the site to yield the best results.

    I'd like a search preference of sorts, ie, a slider that you can slide between Relevancy and Popularity.
  • Reply 11 of 12

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Those are the top three hits because those are the top 3 most-visited sites for that query. No conspiracy; Google pits relevancy against the hitcount of the site to yield the best results.

    I'd like a search preference of sorts, ie, a slider that you can slide between Relevancy and Popularity.

    How about one for "academic" vs "commercial" or "fact" vs "spam"
  • Reply 12 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Those are the top three hits because those are the top 3 most-visited sites for that query. No conspiracy; Google pits relevancy against the hitcount of the site to yield the best results.

    I'd like a search preference of sorts, ie, a slider that you can slide between Relevancy and Popularity.

    True and Google also show preference to pages that have a bunch of links to them. They and the other search engines have created a cottage industry based on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Kind of scary but perhaps necessary in many ways.

    I would like to see Google offer more preferences as you suggest that allow me to fine tune the results to match what I need.
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