iPhone launch. Now it makes sense.

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I didn´t get the iPhone. And I don´t get it now. And I am still to meet a person who it thrilled about it. So I have a hard time with all the hype surrounding the event.

But now it makes sense. Everybody have been talking about the much anticipated release of the iPhone and only small notice have been made to the rumored update to the mini. We even read the "1000 song in your pocket. Here we go again" as referring to the iPhone.

Mot even made a rather expensive ad to launch the iPhone, stressing the "100 songs in your pocket"-thing.

But today the papers and online news publications are filled with Nano, Nano and Nano, not ROKR. Of course. The Nano is much more newsworthy than the ROKR, not just for us. Apple is letting the Nano ride on the back of the iPhone hype and perhaps killing it in the process.

So from now on when Mot is showing their commercial people will think on the Nano, especially if Apple will use their commercial just as much.

I almost expect it was Apple that insisted that iTunes Mobile came on Mots Ugly Phone instead of one of their more sharp looking ones.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Most online articles I saw actually belittled or already half dissed the ROKR.

    I love the IDEA of it ... but a) I hate Moto. With a vengeance. b) The design of the phone is just horrible.

    Why in the hell didnt they do this with Nokia? They coulda bundled iTunes with the new Nokia N91... now THAT wouldv'e been a helluva thing.

    I just hope this is Apple's way for getting it's feet wet with phone industry and the make their own Symbian-based Apple designed phone. No need to re-invent another OS for a phone, plus has a ton of developers already, bla bla bla.

    I'm really underwhlemed by the ROKR.

    Good riddance
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