What do you think of McNabb, honestly?

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
So here it is...my annual "#%@%@^ Eagles" Thread.

Seriously, I am not impressed with him as a quaterback. I was back and forth on him for a few years, but this feeling began to solidify during the Super Bowl. He makes poor decisions and is not a good leader (here I'll reference the classic "walking to the line with 3:00 left in the Super Bowl---where is the intensity?), and he's often inaccurate as well.

He's in what...his seventh year? The way he played last night was completely unacceptable. Two lost fumbles? (one of which was perhaps the dumbest backward pass I've ever seen). Missing passes of every kind? Even many of the passes he did complete were pulled in by great hands. He overthrew Westbrook and Owens at will, but they made him look at bit better. The SuperBowl was essentially the same way. He's gone from being a strong armed, running quaterback to a guy that refuses to get rid of the ball when no one is open. If you saw the game last night vs. Atlanta, you saw the sack he took for no good reason.

Just curious to see what you think, if you follow the NFL. Personally, I think it might be time for the Eagles to go shopping.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I think they should go ahead and shop him. It is impossible to know what makes someone the absolute go to guy that will win but in my view they either have it or they don't. There is something about the mental make up of certain people that just causes them to rise to some higher level when the pressure should be crushing them. It appears McNabb doesn't have that trait.

    We go through this regularly with my Lakers. Half the teams in the West are littered with former Lakers who were good players but simply didn't have this trait. It is what makes the great ones great.

  • Reply 2 of 29
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Well, he's not hall of famer, but he's definitely better than average. There are very few good quarterbacks in the NFL, and you don't just get rid of one of them. Everyone has bad games.
  • Reply 3 of 29
    He's better than Ramsey.

    (Go Skins)

    But yeah, McNabb was passing about as well as Vick last night, which is shit. When you have Terrel Owens on your receiving core, I just don't see how you can't make things happen in the air.
  • Reply 4 of 29
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    okay, to get my mind off katrina for a few minutes:

    i have always liked mcnabb. i liked him since he decided to stay for an extra year at syracuse, rather than take the money and run to the nfl. you might not like his progress now, but he was a FAR more intelligent and polished "rookie" than his peers those first few years, when philly was desperate for someone on offense after the glory days of randall & company. but the running game just is not there to take the pressure off him and passing all of the time. westbrook and staley are NOT the answer. and for all of the talent of t.o., i have yet to figure out why any team thinks they can "fix" him or "be professional" with him. there might be a coach out there that can haul in his ego, but i don't think reid is it.

    plus, if you get rid of him, who will get the nod? and you can't tell me that there is a team out there with a qb the experience and resume of mcnabb that would be willing to trade you straight up for him. though you MIGHT be able to find some stupid team that would trade like their entire backfield and a bunch of draft picks for him, and then he'd go to that awful team, with no tools left anymore, and sink in performance badly.

    i think philly's true problem is a cohesive personality. they had it with the buddy ryan & randall cunningham, keith jackson, and super-defense years, but that was when they were also cursed to be in one of the strongest divisions of its day, and could never get a high enough playoff seed to get rest (they got robbed in the "fog bowl," a game that should have been postponed, but instead philly lost to an inferior bears team, just because the bears could SEE EACH OTHER PAST TEN YARDS. that was the year i really thought philly would go all the way, too). plus, randall made chicken-salad out of his chicken-sh!t receiving corps. it's a pity mike quick could never stay healthy for more than three games, or you would have set scoring records galore.

    anyway, i'm rambling a bit. i say you still have a damn good qb, a weird personality issue on the team (and the fans, well the ones ready to turn on ANYbody after a bad game, at least), and a lack of balance that can be overcome, or overcompensated for with a strong passing attack.
  • Reply 5 of 29
    thttht Posts: 5,611member
    I've got no sympathy for you SDW. You're complaining from a position of riches untouched by any other NFC team: 3 NFC championship games and a Superbowl game.

    McNabb is fine. He's had bad games before. If you thought that was bad, just look at what Culpepper, Carr, and Pennington did.
  • Reply 6 of 29
    Hell, how about Collins for my Raiders? SuXxoreD...

    McNabb may not be the smartest "field" general in football, but he still has some game left. Obviously, he's coming down the other side of his performance graph. Happens to the best of us.

    On the other hand, if Philly is gonna trade him, best not to wait too long.
  • Reply 7 of 29
    o-maco-mac Posts: 777member
    one freaking game...hey-zeus, it's been like this all throughout McNabb's career..people always bashing him. I'll tell you right now, he's way better than nay of the previous Iggle QB's including Randall C...is anyone here an Iggle fan besides me??? or did any of you fans, if you're reading this, forget the Ritchy the K era or the Ray rhodes era or the era of norman brahman??? do you HAVE to be reminded of how pathetic and sad those Iggle teams were??? Enjoy this run while it lasts...sore winners and sore losers...I'm not going to let a bunch of negative critics ruin my support for MY team...(or should I say the team that I like)...
  • Reply 8 of 29
    I was going to say, I'd trade Culpepper for McNabb any day of the week.
  • Reply 9 of 29
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I hope he collapses soon. I hope the entire team does.

    Then again, I'm a Cowboys fan.
  • Reply 10 of 29
    im also an eagles fan

    im just glad they got us to the bowl last year. getting there was enough for me, but if they get there this year i'll expect a win.

    loosing to the pats by only 3 points? heck i considered that a win...(lol)

    and "almost-getting-there-year-after-year" i was like what are we? the buffalo bills?

    and this winning close games in the fourth quarter coming from behind nonsense? no ill take some eagles blowouts thank you very much. my heart cant take these last minute wins. i can only begin to relax if they're up 35 to 7 at the half. gimme more of those...
  • Reply 11 of 29
    I just heard of McNabb a couple days ago..... Yeah, I'm not too into sports. The only reason why I am replying to this is because while at work.... next door to the Georgia Dome, I saw about 10-15 people together all wearing McNabb jerseys. I had to ask someone who McNabb was because I've never heard of him.

    True story... I should write a screenplay.
  • Reply 12 of 29
    Hey, it could be worse, you could have Kurt Warner running the show. If there ever was a guy who didn't know when to throw the ball away, his name would be Kurt Warner.
  • Reply 13 of 29
    ragexragex Posts: 126member
    McNabb is pretty good. I would certainly take him over Pennington any day. It's one game, they only lost by 4, and Trotter getting ejected hurt their defense against the run. I think the Eagles will be fine.
  • Reply 14 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    I think they'll be fine too. They might even win the big one. I'm just saying I don't like the guy. I am still a fan of the team and always will be. And if he does well, I'll be cheering with everyone else.

    I simply think he should be more mature by this point in his career. He makes rookie mistakes. I think his accuracy has gotten better, but as soon as he gets rattled or hit hard, it goes downhill. I think he needs to run when no one is open, and to throw it away when he can't run. Now he often does neither. That sack he took last week was something that could have been avoided. He has great athetic skills that I don't think he uses all the time. For one, the Eagles have become a passing team and he is a running/passing quaterback. Something has got to change.

    I agree that not having Trotter in was a blow. I have no doubt that they will win the division again. If they go to the Super Bowl, guess who I'm going to be worried about? Hope he proves me wrong.
  • Reply 15 of 29
    o-maco-mac Posts: 777member
    It's a TEAM game remember??

    Don't forget, If Akers hadn't missed those two field goals they could have WON!!

    So don't put ALL the blame on McNabb like mosty people like to do...He didn't single-handlely mess up their chances of wining...

    The team is notoriously slow in the beginning anyway so "fuh-get abou' id!!!"

    WEEK 2!!
  • Reply 16 of 29
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by RageX

    McNabb is pretty good. I would certainly take him over Pennington any day. It's one game, they only lost by 4, and Trotter getting ejected hurt their defense against the run. I think the Eagles will be fine.

    I would have taken Pennington over McNabb before he hurt his shoulder, but now now.
  • Reply 17 of 29
    thttht Posts: 5,611member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    I would have taken Pennington over McNabb before he hurt his shoulder, but now now.


    My order of preference, assuming everyone is healthy:

    1. Brady - cool under pressure is the number 1 intangible

    2. McNabb - mobile pocket passer

    3. Vick - greatest show on Earth

    4. P Manning

    5. Brees

    I was able to watch some of the Houston-Buffalo game, and I'm impressed with Losman. Not the fastest quarterback, but is elusive. But back to McNabb, I don't there is anyone better than him except for Brady and perhaps Vick.
  • Reply 18 of 29
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Honestly, I wouldn't have Vick in my top five. He is the greatest show on earth, but he is not accurate enough. In my opinion, he's regressed since Reeves left, and is to quick to abandon the pass play that still has a chance to develop and just run instead. Unless his accuracy improves, he will never win a superbowl.


    Originally posted by THT


    My order of preference, assuming everyone is healthy:

    1. Brady - cool under pressure is the number 1 intangible

    2. McNabb - mobile pocket passer

    3. Vick - greatest show on Earth

    4. P Manning

    5. Brees

    I was able to watch some of the Houston-Buffalo game, and I'm impressed with Losman. Not the fastest quarterback, but is elusive. But back to McNabb, I don't there is anyone better than him except for Brady and perhaps Vick.

  • Reply 19 of 29
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    So here it is...my annual "#%@%@^ Eagles" Thread.

    Seriously, I am not impressed with him as a quaterback. I was back and forth on him for a few years, but this feeling began to solidify during the Super Bowl. He makes poor decisions and is not a good leader (here I'll reference the classic "walking to the line with 3:00 left in the Super Bowl---where is the intensity?), and he's often inaccurate as well.

    He's in what...his seventh year? The way he played last night was completely unacceptable. Two lost fumbles? (one of which was perhaps the dumbest backward pass I've ever seen). Missing passes of every kind? Even many of the passes he did complete were pulled in by great hands. He overthrew Westbrook and Owens at will, but they made him look at bit better. The SuperBowl was essentially the same way. He's gone from being a strong armed, running quaterback to a guy that refuses to get rid of the ball when no one is open. If you saw the game last night vs. Atlanta, you saw the sack he took for no good reason.

    Just curious to see what you think, if you follow the NFL. Personally, I think it might be time for the Eagles to go shopping.

    You are right, mister Limbaugh, the Eagles need to cut him....
  • Reply 20 of 29
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Looks like McNabb's back to his normal form today...

    Only 4 TD passes in the first half....
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