Reinstalling Safari

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am pretty sure that Safari has become corrupted on my iMac G5 running 10.4.2. My machine basically crashes any time I use it now. I have thrown it away and its preferences in Library, but now I can't get a good version from Apple's website.

Is there any easy way to reinstall only Safari?

Thanks in advance for anyone's help -- I greatly appreciate it.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Never mind... I pulled it from another computer.
  • Reply 2 of 2

    BOTH of my macs have the same (?) problem. If I stay offline, they work fine, but once I start using Safari, I can expect the beachball and a "lock-up" at some point.

    I figure it's a Safari problem as well, but I'm curious as to WHAT is corrupted or WHERE it got corrupted... since it's affected both my macs.
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