PowerBook Resale Values

in General Discussion edited January 2014
They are surprisingly high. 800mhz-1ghz Titanium PowerBooks are selling for $845-$930 with time still left to bid on eBay. I've had my PowerBook 667mhz for three years now, and it's in great condition. I need to replace my crashed hard drive and depleted battery, sure, and that's going to cost $400. But:

PowerBook G4 Titanium

667mhz G4

768 mb ram

80gb hd

New high-capacity battery

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

Seems like it could fetch at least 500 dollars a year from now.

When I send it out for the new hard drive, I might even keep it longer. The Achilles heel was never really the speed of this machine: I still find it more than adequate for light photoshop work, indesign, watching dvds, writing papers, and so on. The meager 30gb hard drive was always the weak point. I quickly filled it up with music and photoshop files among other things, and photoshop always ate away at whatever I had left for the scratch disk. I've been eyeing this 80gb 5400rpm hard drive from TechRestore (only $240 including labor and overnight shipping costs!)

Good news all around.
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