Like a virgin, oooohhh, touched for the thousands first time, yeeeaaah, everyone now. This is great news, just what I've been waiting for a pink scratch prone music device that is geared towards girls in their late 20's. What marketing genius will follow this Goliath of news event, I can only imagine. Maybe a purple one signifying the hopeful come back of Jehovah Witness Prince. We can only hope.
I am going to be pretty ticked off if this is the only announcement. It makes sense since she is living in London now. I really hope that the Madonnapod is not the only "One more thing". With the new exlusive Madonna catalog on the iTunes Music store I would not be surprised.
Like a consumer, yeeeaahh, f-cked for the thousand first time. I decided to tweak my already twisted lyrics to represent my crying brothers in arms.
My Prayer:
Oh Jobs why have thou forsaken us. Have we not been humble in your presents? Have we not worshipped only your computers? So why the "FLOOD" of iPods, oh mighty Jobs, have you gone to the dark side of capitalism. Say it ain't so! Please show us a sign of good will, preferably one written on a iTablet.
Instead of iPod socks will these come with iPod condoms?
It?s Madonna were talking about here the whole device will be ribbed for her pleaser with optional vibrating mode. The vibration will get more intense as the songs are playing.
Apple. All iPod. All the time.
Originally posted by GreggWSmith
Local news just said that Apple will announce the Madonna Ipod Nano which will be pink. Is this what the big deal will be? Arrgh!
They said it will be announced later today.
A pink iPod the big deal? Are they kidding? I hope Apple has not such a taste of humor.
My Prayer:
Oh Jobs why have thou forsaken us. Have we not been humble in your presents? Have we not worshipped only your computers? So why the "FLOOD" of iPods, oh mighty Jobs, have you gone to the dark side of capitalism. Say it ain't so! Please show us a sign of good will, preferably one written on a iTablet.
Originally posted by GreggWSmith
Instead of iPod socks will these come with iPod condoms?
It?s Madonna were talking about here the whole device will be ribbed for her pleaser with optional vibrating mode. The vibration will get more intense as the songs are playing.
Originally posted by GreggWSmith
Instead of iPod socks will these come with iPod condoms?
You might laugh but those apparently DO exist. I remember seeing them mentioned in another forum just after I got my iPod.