New Powerbook

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
A few sites have been reporting on a pending PB update.

They all seem to think that it will be a 1.7 ghz G4.

With Apple most likely about to roll out IBMs newly announced MP Powermacs, would it not make sense to upgrade the PBs to the new IBM low-power chips as well? Especially since they have a notebook-class G5?

I think so.

Remember the low power G5 topped out at 1.6 GHZ. Yet we know Apple would never "upgrade" to a "slower" processor, even though the G5 at 100 MHZ slower clock may very well outperform the G4 due to bus speeds and other refinements. So, it makes sense that Apple would push for 1.7 GHZ.

With 2 GHZ G4s on the market, why would Apple "only" go with a 1.7 GHZ chip? This is the number the Appleinsider has tossed around.

Where does the 1.7 number come from?

I can only think of one reason - it's a G5.

That may also explain the possibility that Apple will not upgrade the CPU at all in the PB line, letting the cobwebs build until the Merom comes along.

I think a G5 at this point is perfect timing, allowing the PB to keep pace with the PM crowd, while whetting appetites for more performance to come. Yet, with the multiple small issues that have reportedly been going on, we may have to wait a while longer for a truly powerful Powerbook.

One can only hope that the 19th brings a G5 based PB.

Before my post is dissected, yes I know that Intel is merely 3/4 of a year away and yes I know that there would need to be a mobo and other components' redesign, which would take engineering time and money which Apple is devoting to Intel right now. However, I doubt Apple would let the machine rot for 2 years (it was last updated very early this year)with only screen upgrades and a comera.

A professional grade notebook should be able to run Motion, Final Cut, Creative Suite, etc. with ease. The currrent PB runs CS very well, but chokes to death on Motion.

I think Apple will address this. If not the 19th, then shortly thereafter.

P.S. Yes, this is ANOTHER PB G5 thread, but I think it is warranted.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by 9secondko

    P.S. Yes, this is ANOTHER PB G5 thread, but I think it is warranted.

    Well as long as you think so ...

    There is a mac user virus in circulation. It is written in pseudo basic and goes:

    10 generate random binary number[my guess]

    20 if digit 1 of [my guess] is 1, then computer = Powermac else computer = Powerbook

    30 if digit 2 of [my guess] is 1, then speed = 1.7 else speed = 3

    30 if digit 3 of [my guess] is 1, then core = 1 Powermac else core = 2

    30 if digit 4 of [my guess] is 1, then camera = false else camera = true

    40 if digit 5 of [my guess] is 1, then yet another ridicules feature = false else yet another ridicules feature = true.

    50 if [myguess] = not stupid, warped or ridicules goto 60 else goto 60 anyway

    60 check if [myguess]= NotAlreadyPostedOn AI goto 70 else goto 70 anyway.

    70 Wrap [myguess] in RandomArguments and post on AI

    Please use virus protection.

    (anyone able to see its been 10 years since I have made any code?=)

  • Reply 2 of 3
    I hope it's a G5. I'm getting a new powerbook when the new one is released. 8)
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Not sure why this thread is warranted when right below it is the "official" AI thread on the pending updates....


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