Dual core iMacs?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
When will Apple decide to have dual core iMacs? Will they go dc when they are actually able to put one in heat wise or will it have to wait longer than that because of "pro" vs. "consumer". A dual core iMac would be a pretty damn solid unit...

Technical/cost details aside I can't see a dual core iMac until at least the mid range tower is a dual chip, and I doubt when it finally does it is not with IBM inside. Any thoughts?

Also on a side note, how long will the development process take until dual core chips are the norm and single core chips are the equivalent of the celeron?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    You want a guess, here is mine: MWSF 2007.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    It will probably be a dual-core Intel chip.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    The 2H 2006 iMac should be a dual core Yonah based system. I'm guessing dual core 1.8Ghz.

    There's no harm in it now because with the Intel chips we're not talking about the same family of processors anymore. The big heavies will have a certain line whilst the consumer stuff will have another line.

    No need to unecessarily hobble the iMac anymore.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    The 2H 2006 iMac should be a dual core Yonah based system. I'm guessing dual core 1.8Ghz.

    There's no harm in it now because with the Intel chips we're not talking about the same family of processors anymore. The big heavies will have a certain line whilst the consumer stuff will have another line.

    No need to unecessarily hobble the iMac anymore.

    I think the iMac will probably be PPC until early 2007.

    Everyone seems to be of the mind that somehow, magically, everything will go intel in one fell swoop by next June.


    just don't see it. I think apple made it pretty clear the transition is going to take at least a year, and up to two. To my mind, power wise, apple has pretty competitive desktops and pretty inadequete laptops. I think iMacs and Powermacs will be the last to switch over, and this won't happen until sometime in 07.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by opuscroakus

    When will Apple decide to have dual core iMacs?

    As long as Apple keeps the current form factor and PPC processors, and if the image below can teach us anything about the new dual core 970MP,

    I would say... never. I cannot however tell how a dual core 2.0-2.1 GHz G5 would work in a 23" enclosure (we had a price drop on that one recently ).
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