How to Restart a Base Station?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have an older base station -- the graphite one -- and since the electricity went out in my house i can't get it working again. The three LED light just blink red.

How do i restart the base station so i can use it again?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by freeheel

    I have an older base station -- the graphite one -- and since the electricity went out in my house i can't get it working again. The three LED light just blink red.

    How do i restart the base station so i can use it again?

    Have you tried the Airport Admin Utility in your Apps or Utilities folder?

  • Reply 2 of 4

    Originally posted by bergz

    Have you tried the Airport Admin Utility in your Apps or Utilities folder?


    yes, i have. Problem is that the base station doesn't get recognized. I've also tried all sorts of combinations with the paper clip (hold in for two minutes and plug in; hold in, let go, then plug in; etc) and the reset button to no avail.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by freeheel

    yes, i have. Problem is that the base station doesn't get recognized. I've also tried all sorts of combinations with the paper clip (hold in for two minutes and plug in; hold in, let go, then plug in; etc) and the reset button to no avail.

    Hmm, doesn't sound too hopeful

    How long do you leave it on with the red lights flashing?

    It could be the power supply, which could have sustained damage in the outage. Do you have any other power adaptors with the same specs? It's important that any adaptor you try does not have a higher voltage rating, has a current rating equal to or greater than the airport's one, and has the same size and polarity connector.

    If you think you've found something suitable but aren't sure, post here before doing anything. Connecting a power supply with too high a voltage rating or the wrong polarity could break the base station, and trying one with too low a current rating could break the power supply.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    All the lights blinking red in unison is an error indicator. Sounds like something bad happened inside the base station.

    I had this happen to my old graphite base station but it was covered by AppleCare and was replaced.
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